Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way

Written by Rasheed Ali

Continued from page 1

My website is another great example. I could have spent a lot of working hours and even more money to get my traffic up, but in reality it took very little work and money to get my Alexa traffic rank from over 3,000,000 inrepparttar world to currently 212,901 and climbing every week! It has taken very few, small but effective steps to achieve this. You will find this time and time again in your life if you take a closer look. What you may have thought of as hard work may have been a few effective actions combined with many ineffective actions. Byrepparttar 123023 way, this was done in less than three months.

Now, although achievement makes us happy, what else does?

A serious "Happiness Analysis" is also something all of us should do at least once in our lives. If you documentedrepparttar 123024 things that contribute to your happiness then numberrepparttar 123025 things that make yourepparttar 123026 happiest, you will find that there are only a few things that contribute to most of your happiness. In other words 20 percent ofrepparttar 123027 things that make you happy, contribute to 80 percent of your happiness!

With that said, if you were to spend more time doingrepparttar 123028 things that result in most of your happiness or achievement, you WILL double or even triple your results.

*** Rasheed Ali was once a homeless runaway on the streets of NY and is now dedicated to helping people from all walks of life to reach their ultimate potential by conquering any and all obstacles through his Conquer Your Adversity Newsletter. You can subscribe at ***

Guilt By Association & Wealth By It Too!

Written by Rasheed Ali

Continued from page 1

Although Nick didn't followrepparttar above advice, he is still a good man and still does great things. After all he took me offrepparttar 123022 streets, gave me a home and taught me lessons from his past.

Like Nick, many people don't realize that wealth by association worksrepparttar 123023 same as guilt.

When asked how he intends on being America's first black billionaire, Don King said, "By hanging around other billionaires!"

The truth ofrepparttar 123024 matter is that whether you want to learn something significant or learn to be more successful,repparttar 123025 people you associate with arerepparttar 123026 probably going to be one ofrepparttar 123027 major keys to your success. I'm sure you've heard countless stories about those "lucky" people who gained wealth and success through others who were more successful atrepparttar 123028 time. I've personally heard and learned about many such stories.

Association is one ofrepparttar 123029 reasons that many people pay big bucks to me mentored by very successful people.

The "Key" reason people do this is: In order to get what you want or learn what you want you must go torepparttar 123030 source.

Find a personal or business mentor or coach and learn everything you can from them then apply it.

The other part of success by association is that you will generally attainrepparttar 123031 average success and/or wealth of your 10 closest friends. The reason for this is that by associating with people who are more successful or wealthier, you are then able to tap into their intellectual, spiritual or financial resources.

That my friend, is an enormously critical success factor. To see an example of this, look at marketing online or offline. You will see that people and businesses often associate themselves with each other (one being more successful thanrepparttar 123032 other) to build both credibility and wealth.

Applyrepparttar 123033 Success By Association Principle to your business and life, then buckle up forrepparttar 123034 ride!

*** Rasheed Ali was once a homeless runaway on the streets of NY and is now dedicated to helping people from all walks of life to reach their ultimate potential by conquering any and all obstacles through his Conquer Your Adversity Newsletter. You can subscribe at ***

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