Achieve More in 2004

Written by Kelley Robertson

Continued from page 1

- Anticipaterepparttar challenges you will encounter and plan how you will overcome them. This will prepare you for them and help you overcomerepparttar 104837 obstacles easier and with less stress. In fact,repparttar 104838 simple act of planning for obstacles will often prevent many of them from occurring.

- Surround yourself with successful, motivated people who also set challenging goals. I share my goals with several friends and associates. When we get together, we motivate each other by talking about our success, our challenges, and our goals. A word of caution: Be careful who you share your goals with. People who are not goal-oriented will not support you, and in many cases, will actually try to dissuade you from your goals.

- Use affirmations. If you plan to quit smoking repeat statement such as, “I enjoyrepparttar 104839 lifestyle of a non-smoker,” “I’m glad I’m a non-smoker,” “I enjoyrepparttar 104840 taste of food more as a non-smoker.” Stating affirmations aloud, reinforces your goal to your mind and will help you achieve your goal much faster.

- Take action. Don't procrastinate. Allrepparttar 104841 planning inrepparttar 104842 world will not help you achieve your goals. You MUST take action. Once you have determined a goal for yourself, take action within 24 hours. This will setrepparttar 104843 wheels in motion and createrepparttar 104844 necessary momentum you need. I once heard a speaker state, “We are either moving toward or away from our goals.” Developrepparttar 104845 habit of taking action on a daily basis.

Achieving greatness and a higher level of success is not that difficult. However, it does require discipline, focus and a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. Follow these steps and have your best year ever!

Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of “Stop, Ask & Listen – How to welcome your customers and increase your sales.” For information on his programs, visit his website at Receive a FREE copy of “100 Ways to Increase Your Sales” by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine available at his website.

The Dollar Heyday Is Over

Written by John Finger

Continued from page 1
The decreasing value ofrepparttar dollar means hard assets must rise in price. We’re seeing this in many commodities. Gold has been rising since 2001. Until now, countries could pay for oil with dollars. Now OPEC ministers talk of switchingrepparttar 104836 payment method fromrepparttar 104837 dollar to eitherrepparttar 104838 Euro or gold, both of which hold their value much better thanrepparttar 104839 dollar. When that happens,repparttar 104840 dollar will no longer berepparttar 104841 world’s premier currency. And a declining dollar means you’ll have to pay a lot more money forrepparttar 104842 goods you need. The world has been down this road before. After World War I,repparttar 104843 Allies stuck Germany with reparation payments as a penalty for startingrepparttar 104844 war. The German economy was weak, sorepparttar 104845 German government askedrepparttar 104846 Allies to let up on their demands. Whenrepparttar 104847 Allies refused,repparttar 104848 German printing press went to work. The government met its payment obligations, but at a cost of its economy: it didn’t take long before Germans were loading wheelbarrows full of Marks in order to buy a loaf of bread. Many other historical examples show us that we’re heading downrepparttar 104849 same road. The Continental Congress printed bonds duringrepparttar 104850 Revolutionary War. The useless currency and obligations became wallpaper afterrepparttar 104851 war ended. France hadrepparttar 104852 same problem during its own revolution. President Lincoln decoupledrepparttar 104853 dollar from gold duringrepparttar 104854 Civil War and inflated our currency nearly into oblivion. Nowrepparttar 104855 war on terrorism, although a laudable goal, serves as a black hole for our dollars, much like prior wars have done. And we have a huge deficit even without that war. Added torepparttar 104856 mess isrepparttar 104857 new health care bill and pending retirement of millions of baby boomers, all of which will add even more stress on federal coffers. Unchecked, unfettered government spending will be one ofrepparttar 104858 major contributors torepparttar 104859 ruin ofrepparttar 104860 U.S. dollar. Keep that wheelbarrow handy; you’ll need it whenrepparttar 104861 music stops.

You can pass this newsletter around to others as long as you keeprepparttar 104862 website links.

John Finger is an attorney and former Certified Financial Planner of 10 years. His website,, is for investors and traders who want information about stocks and three levels of option trades

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