Achieve Goals

Written by Joseph Robert Neil James

Continued from page 1

Problems usually have several solutions. Listrepparttar possible solutions and then ask your Advisor via your pendulum to choose for yourepparttar 106229 most logical answer. If you cannot see a possible answer, just give your Advisor time to work onrepparttar 106230 problem. If it is a major problem it may take a few days to solve but it will be solved. Believe me. Your Advisor will never let you down. Always use your pendulum to help you solve problems.

ACHIEVING GOALS If you look up Greed inrepparttar 106231 dictionary, it says it is Eager desire. We all have eager desires so we are all Greedy. We are designed to be greedy. Please be as greedy as you like but remember these Golden rules: Be considerate of others and never do harm to anyone, and above all be patient with yourself and anyone you associate with. By following these rules you will keep your greed (eager desires) in check.

If you ask a person what he or she wants in life, many will not be able to tell you in detail. But if you askrepparttar 106232 same person what they would buy if they won a few million onrepparttar 106233 lottery, their imagination will run riot and they will produce a list of goals within minutes. That’s a little test that I have give my family and friends inrepparttar 106234 past, just to find out how greedy they are. Try it with your family and friends. You will be amazed atrepparttar 106235 result.

Now see what list you produce based on a hypothetical lottery of a million. People put restrictions on their goals because ofrepparttar 106236 lack of money. Write your list in priority order, and you will even surprise yourself withrepparttar 106237 list you produce.

When you first look at your list of goals you may say to yourself: "There is no way I will achieve these goals". Believe me, you will achieve your goals and achieve them in a logical way. Look at your list daily and if you feel that you should change them, do so. You are now ready to put things into motion.

Now sit in a chair and relax. Go overrepparttar 106238 happenings of your day within your thoughts, just as you did with problems. As you sit quietly you will begin to want to know answers to questions that begin to appear. Do not forget you must ask questions that require a YES or NO answer. As you ask questions, routes will begin to appear for you to follow. Always ask your Advisor via your pendulum if you should follow a particular route. Your Advisor is there to help you achieve those Goals.

When you go out and meet people, make a point of talking less and listening more. The more you listen to what other people have to sayrepparttar 106239 more you learn to your advantage. Always control conversations by asking questions and when a topic comes up that you are interested in, casually ask questions that are important to your education. You will remember my words when you are in conversation with someone. All kinds of routes will appear if you listen more and talk less.

There were three main goals atrepparttar 106240 top of my list. The first one was to pay off all my outstanding debts. The second was to stop smoking. I was a heavy smoker, which had caused me concern because ofrepparttar 106241 family budget. The third was to retire as soon as possible. I was 44 years of age atrepparttar 106242 time.

I soon achieved those goals and have, overrepparttar 106243 years, achieved many more. Since 1981, my wife and I have purchased five different homes and in August 2000, I eagerly took delivery of a late model Ford Mondeo, 2400cc - 24 valve - T-Bar Automatic. Maroon in colour with black trim.

Now that I’m retired my needs are very few but I still update my list of goals regularly and wait patiently for them to materialize. You now have a golden opportunity to Solve Problems and Achieve your Goals whilst working with a Pendulum ... Just remember these basic rules:-

Consider Others And Be Patient

Joseph Robert Neil James resides in Warwickshire, England and is an author, husband, father, grand-father, and Great-Grand-Father Having spent many years in the "Direct Mail Advertising" business, whilst living with his wife and four children in Australia - joseph is now retired and enjoys working with his computer and reseaching with his Pendulum.

Inspired Action: An Amazing New Short-Cut to Make All Your Dreams Come True

Written by Joe Vitale

Continued from page 1

I did. And after three weeks of email exchanges, this man finally wrote me an email that rocked my world. He said, "I appreciate all you've done for me. If you ever want your material considered by Nightingale-Conant, I am their senior marketing director. Just send your stuff to me."

I still get goosebumps when I think of that email. That miracle occurred not because of any planned action, but because of Inspired Action.

So here's how to make Inspired Action work for you:

Step One: As I explain in "Spiritual Marketing," set an intention. An intention is your declaration about your dream, or goal, that you want to be, do, or have. This is your request of your subconscious, unconscious and universe itself. The clearer your intention,repparttar better your results. One of my intentions was, "I intend to have a best-selling audiotape program with Nightingale-Conant." Another was, "I intend for my 'Spiritual Marketing' book to become a #1 best-seller at Amazon."

Step Two: Follow your hunches. Listen to your intuition. If you get a desire to make a plan of action, so be it. Do it. But if you get a desire to go for a walk, or to watch television, or to surfrepparttar 106228 web, then do that. You never know where your Inspired Action will take you, but because you set an intention (step one), your intuition will find a short-cut to your dreams.

Inspired Action works because your ego can only see limited terrain whilerepparttar 106229 universe can see it all. Your ego might say, "Write a business plan." But your intuition might see that that won't work in your case and instead urge you to do something else, maybe even something strange. Trust it. Inspired Action comes fromrepparttar 106230 bigger picture, which you can't always see until you've takenrepparttar 106231 actions you're being inspired to take.

Finally,repparttar 106232 more you can quiet your mind, still your thoughts, and relax your body,repparttar 106233 more you will hearrepparttar 106234 inner voice nudging you inrepparttar 106235 direction of your dreams.

When it speaks, move.

That's Inspired Action.

Do it and you'll find amazing new short-cuts direct torepparttar 106236 fulfillment of your stated desires. It's an easy path more fun, more relaxed, and usually more profitable, than planned action and constant struggle.

Try it and see.

Joe Vitale is author of way too many books to list here, including the #1 best-selling book "Spiritual Marketing," the best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," and the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing." His main website is at

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