Ace Abs Without Crunches, Cradles, Or Sit-ups!

Written by Tim Webb

Continued from page 1

Tryrepparttar basic exercise below each day forrepparttar 140777 next week and feelrepparttar 140778 benefits.

1.Stand (or sit) comfortably.

2.Inhale into your belly (not your chest) and feel it expand.

3.Once full with air, being your exhale, and squeeze your abdominals atrepparttar 140779 same time.

4.Do not rush this exhalation. It should be smooth with no impediments. A good way to perform this exhale is through pursed lips.

5.Repeat at least ten times.

Note – Do not squeeze and try to forcerepparttar 140780 air out while holdingrepparttar 140781 breath. Breathing exercises such as this may be dangerous. Ideally, perform where fresh air is circulating.

Having experienced this you should be feeling great! Your abdominals will have been exercised, you will have breathed deeply, and energised yourself in as little as ten breaths!

It is worth saying that you should not utilise one hundred percent muscular contraction in your first attempts at working your midsection this way. It may lead to injury. Instead, focus on incrementally adding tension as you become more proficient at it.

There are many other methods for workingrepparttar 140782 midsection that one can do without machine based, or standard movements, but as a startrepparttar 140783 above exercise should provide you with food for thought on how one can get a great core workout in without having to wait in line atrepparttar 140784 gym forrepparttar 140785 abdominal cradles to be free!

Have at it!

© Tim Webb 2005

Tim Webb is a fitness instructor, Ju Jutsu instructor and competitor. He specialises in easily accessible deep breathing exercises that combine breath and mind together. His site offers a product that provides deep breathing exercises for invigorating yourself, relaxing, and highlights how your breath can be tied in with your goals to move you towards them in record time!

How to survive seasonal allergies and ensure continued asthma relief

Written by David Kane

Continued from page 1

The National Allergy Bureau pollen report gives information on conditions inrepparttar US and Canada at

Polleninfo gives pollen forecasts for across Europe at

You can use overrepparttar 140776 counter (OTC) medication to relieve symptoms if it does not interfere with other medications. Consult your doctor to make sure there will be no adverse affects.

Although pollen is probablyrepparttar 140777 most difficult allergen to avoid there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure.

1. If possible only work outside at times whenrepparttar 140778 pollen count is low. The mornings of cooler, less sunny days are best.

2. Introduce more insect-pollinated plants (usuallyrepparttar 140779 more attractive, colorful ones) into your garden, as their heavier pollen is less likely to become airborne. If you can identifyrepparttar 140780 plant that affects you, exclude that plant from your garden. If grass pollen affects you but do not want to lose your lawn, get someone else to keeprepparttar 140781 grass short.

3. Keep windows shut tight at times of pollen release, during high pollen counts, and inrepparttar 140782 early hours ofrepparttar 140783 night when airborne pollen returns to ground level.

4. Dry all washing indoors to prevent pollen gathering on clothes and bedding. Ideally dry clothes in a tumble-dryer.

5. If you spend a prolonged period outside whenrepparttar 140784 pollen count is high, you should ideally take a shower and wash your hair when you get in, especially if it is thick or long. At least try to rinse your hair to get rid of any pollen.

6. Keep a set of clothes that you only wear indoors. Clothes worn outside could be full of pollen. Avoid taking your outdoor clothes intorepparttar 140785 bedroom.

Perhapsrepparttar 140786 most effective solution is to leaverepparttar 140787 area. If circumstances permit, move nearerrepparttar 140788 equator for a while. The plants that affect you will have finished pollinating. Alternatively move to a high mountainous area or a windy seacoast.

David Kane is the author of ‘101 Top Tips for Asthma Relief’. He has produced a number of resources to help asthma sufferers monitor and control their condition. Find these at his web site

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