Accepting A Life Of Simplicity

Written by Heather J. Tait

Continued from page 1
Living a life of simplicity does not mean that we have to have an impoverished spirit. In fact one may find their true richness when they are forced to live simply. Often we find it is almost an essential right of passage when we embark on our path. It seems that when we pursue something that we long for in life, we are forced to make sacrifices alongrepparttar way. Consider yourself fortunate if you are appointed to experience this lifestyle as you will walk away with more than what you left. So that when success does reach our doorstep we have a humble approach to its offerings as we know we can live with less. We discover that simplicity becomes a key element to not only who we are, but who we intend to be.

Artist and Inspirational Author Heather J. Tait work and articles are displayed internationally. She is the founder of Silence Speaks International Artist Association and the Editor of Intrigue Magazine. Published books include, Making Your Purpose Your Business and Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships. Email: Silence Speaks

Forget "Thinking" Outside The Box....GET Outside The Box

Written by Leo J Quinn Jr

Continued from page 1

One could say you are inrepparttar same "box" or rut.

The analogy continues...

Unfortunately,repparttar 122632 "instructions" on how to get out of your "box" are posted onrepparttar 122633 "outside" of your "box" where you can’t read them. You’ll needrepparttar 122634 help of someone who has already made it out, to "read" yourepparttar 122635 instructions so you can get out too.

It’s not enough to get that help though. You’ll probably have to deal with your "boxmates" who would rather you stick around to keep them company in their sad little "box."

In listening torepparttar 122636 conversation between old man and young man I immediately flashed onrepparttar 122637 image of young may starting to climb out ofrepparttar 122638 box and old man reaching up and grabbing him byrepparttar 122639 belt to pull him back in.

Sad but all too common I’m sure. If any of this sounds familiar you might have some hard decisions to make.

If completely getting rid of a negative person from your life is not possible (spouse, relative, employer) then you might have to clam up about your goals, dreams and desires. Discuss them only with people who will support you or preferably with people who have already done what you want to do.

Author Dan Kennedy has coinedrepparttar 122640 phrase "mediocre majority" to describe most people. This is a group you want to avoid.

So, no matter what you want to accomplish, be it changing your life to get out of debt…starting a business…going back to school (imagine at your age!)…investing in real estate…mystery shopping…losing weight…taking piano lessons or anything else, simply get started and keeprepparttar 122641 pie hole shut! (salad hole if losing weight)

Good luck!

Leo J. Quinn, Jr. owner of is a financial educator from the Albany, NY area. For over eight years he has been helping thousands of people get control of their finances and get out of debt in a fraction of the normal time. He has a special offer for readers of this newsletter at

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