Accept Change With A Smile!

Written by Gordon Bryan

Continued from page 1

We still thinkrepparttar worst though, mainly due to our upbringing, i.e. “ be careful”, and “don’t do that!”

I bet you remember hearing those when you were little. Your subconscious mind *certainly* does!

We’re talking about years of conditioning here, is not easy to push against our comfort zone, and anyone who says it is, they are just plain wrong.

Yes, it’s hard, but here’srepparttar 123463 good news.

Firstly it gets easierrepparttar 123464 more we do it.

Secondly, once we learn to focus onrepparttar 123465 positive possibilities of change rather thanrepparttar 123466 negative ones, life becomes an adventure, and far less scary.

If we try and avoid change, we won’t succeed. It comes to us anyway, and we then cower and shy away.

It really isn’t anything to be afraid of, so instead of waiting for change to catch you up, how about taking control, being in charge ofrepparttar 123467 change, and accepting it with a smile, as something new, progress!

**************************************** Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days! has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and 'a true gem'. If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: ****************************************

1 Price You Have To Pay For Success!

Written by Gordon Bryan

Continued from page 1

You don’t have to pay it though!

Like I said, it’s a choice. If you don’t want to stoprepparttar TV watching, that’s fine, but then you need to accept that you will not achieve your goal. Likewise, if you can’t be bothered to work an evening job for that needed finance, accept that your goal will not happen.

Even if you do decide that you can’t makerepparttar 123462 effort, you have made progress, because you have made an important realisation ofrepparttar 123463 difference between dreaming and goal achievement.

Goal achievement always starts with a dream, and always comes with a price.

As a counter balance to all this ‘payrepparttar 123464 price’ stuff, don’t forgetrepparttar 123465 expression that ‘the best things in life are free’.

If you *are* prepared to payrepparttar 123466 price for your goals, you will enjoy an increase in self-esteem, excitement, happiness and all-round well being, which money couldn’t buy!

**************************************** Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days! has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and 'a true gem'. If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: ****************************************

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