Absence Makes The Fear Go Yonder!

Written by Richard Vegas

Continued from page 1

Get Back Jack!

Try this simple technique sometime. Next timerepparttar devil is trying to tap dance on your forehead, put down everything you are doing and walk away for fifteen minutes. Find anything you can that causes a warm and fuzzy feeling for you. There is something you are very fond of; something that really calms you down and makes you feel good.

I don't care how badrepparttar 123611 problem looks. You CAN take your mind off of it for fifteen minutes and you know what that thing is you love. It could be a person, a painting, a stump, nah….I 'm kidding, I don't care what it is as long as it makes you feel good.

Now You're Cooking With Gas!

Now, fix a picture of it in your mind. Relive every moment in your memory banks of every incident that comes into your minds eye. CAUTION…only do this with wonderful things from your past that you have very fond feelings about; things that give you exciting feelings of empowerment and energy.

It goes without saying this would be very counter productive to do otherwise. And, if you will do this with allrepparttar 123612 concentration you can muster, you will have made yourself absent fromrepparttar 123613 problem, you will have sentrepparttar 123614 fear and anxiety into oblivion and nature promises you, you will come back fifteen minutes later with a better perspective on how to solverepparttar 123615 problem.

And, even if you don't come back with an immediate solution, you will have a calmer mind, a sharper focus, a big smile, and everyone around you will want to know if you're a little bit pregnant. Nah. I'm kidding. :>)

The Day The Stuff Hit The Fan!

In conclusion I have a secret to tell you. Tonight, as I'm writing this article is Feb 17, my birthday. And, I have just had one ofrepparttar 123616 biggest challenges today that I have had in a long time. I mean BIG challenge. And, on my birthday even. And if that's not enough to make you wanna spit. You know, one of those days like; if today was a fish, I'd throw it back inrepparttar 123617 river kinda days. :>)

Well, I love to write and sing. So, I took my own advice. I took myself physically away fromrepparttar 123618 area whererepparttar 123619 challenges were and started writing this article. And because this is something I love within fifteen minutes my mind was no longer fixated onrepparttar 123620 problem, my emotions had calmed down, my focus was on writing, doingrepparttar 123621 thing I love, and all my confidence has returned that a solution will be found. I don't see it yet, but that's not important. It's there, I will find it. You can too.

Richard Vegas ©2003 Richard Vegas is a populas recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://richardvegas.com

Richard Vegas is a Popular Recording Artist and Internet Marketing Professional running his two full-time businesses from home. He specializes in teaching people how to discover their passion and make money from it on the internet. Richard publishes a Free weekly ezine, "Wing-Tips The Success System". He has recorded two albums and weekly keeps in touch by email with hundreds of fans and customers

Achieve More Doing Less

Written by Cyndi Smasal

Continued from page 1

Need new clients? Determine which 20 percent of your prospects are most likely to become customers. Focus your follow up activities on them.

Here are some other ways to applyrepparttar 80/20 rule: - Look for short cuts. - Be selective more than exhaustive. - Delegate and outsource as much as possible. - Target a limited number of goals and focus like a laser beam on them.

Don't do any of these things in a hurry. Patience will enable you to spotrepparttar 123610 areas that need changing. Fast isn't beautiful. Big isn't beautiful. Small isn't beautiful. SIMPLE IS BEAUTIFUL! Userepparttar 123611 80/20 rule to keep it simple, and you'll start to achieve more while doing less.


Cyndi Smasal: Jump-Start Coach & Inspirational Speaker Gives focused one-on-one Coaching to people who want their business to succeed in 90 days or less. http://www.JumpStartCoach.com Send email to mailto:report@JumpStartCoach.com for a FREE report on how to succeed in 90-days or less. Ph:512/842/1111

Cyndi Smasal is a "Jump-Start" Coach and Inspirational Speaker who inspires people to manifest their dream. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, 15 years start-up experience and specializes in working with entrepreneurs who want to start, focus, or expand their business without giving up their life. Send e-mail to mailto:csmasal@cyndismasal.com for a FREE Coaching Session or visit http://www.JumpStartCoach.com for more information.

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