About Goldendoodles

Written by Lake Ridge Kennel

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Goldendoodles can also range from 20 inches to 29 inches atrepparttar shoulder. They are "mid-size" dogs who are very versatile! They loverepparttar 110853 water...they love to play...they love to be where "YOU ARE" no matter what you are doing or where you are going. Althoughrepparttar 110854 doodle will alert you that someone is coming.....they have very little ability to be an actual "guard" dog. This type of hybrid has very little propensity for being aggressive. Withrepparttar 110855 in-experienced breeders placing ridiculous information on their websites or in their ads,repparttar 110856 novice person has a really hard time deciphering what is real and what is NOT real, information. Just go to our website if you desire honest, accurate information and facts regardingrepparttar 110857 Goldendoodle. The one thing we are, is very upfront and open aboutrepparttar 110858 expectations of a doodle.

Lake Ridge Kennel is a small, family operated/owed Kennel who is the leading breeder for Goldendoodles. We began breeding for doodles in 1999.

Kidzworld Online Kids and Teen Magazine Top Stories

Written by www.kidzworld.com

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