About Affiliate Commissions

Written by Jude Wright

Continued from page 1

When you are researching how commissions are paid, you should also look at whetherrepparttar program pays only on one level or more than one. These are called single-tier, two-tier or multi-tier. Some programs offer commissions down four or five tiers. The tiers are created when another person signs up as an affiliate using your link.

Another aspect of affiliate commissions is how oftenrepparttar 102332 commissions will be paid. Some companies pay quarterly, while others pay monthly or bi-weekly, depending onrepparttar 102333 amount of money owed to you.

The amount of commission owed to you also plays a part in when you are paid. Most companies do not pay until your accumulated commissions is $50 or more. A few companies do not payrepparttar 102334 first month, but pay one (or three) months afterrepparttar 102335 commission has actually been earned. Sometimes you can choose your own level when you sign up as an affiliate, but not often.

As you can see, there's a lot more information you need to know about affiliate commissions than getting them. Keep these things in mind when you choose affiliate programs to promote and it will help to increase 'your' commission revenue.

----------------------------------------------------- Jude Wright has been an Internet Marketer for three years. She has just created a product that will help other Internet Marketers keep all their marketing information in one database. Check it out at: http://i-marketingorganizer.com/organizer.htm

Internet Marketing - Surviving the First Year

Written by Keith Thompson

Continued from page 1

3 - The learning curve. There is a certain amount of information you simply have to either learn (or pay for). Don't discountrepparttar fact that this will take a little time. One doesn't discover how to build and market a fully- optimized web site in a month. Or three! This is; and because ofrepparttar 102331 fluid nature ofrepparttar 102332 web; always will be a work-in-progress. Do what you can do every day and come back tomorrow for more. Don't be discouraged whenrepparttar 102333 money takes a while to appear; if you do this right, when it does show up it will be worthrepparttar 102334 wait!

4 - A support system. Get one. Don't plan on supporting yourself from your business right away. It tookrepparttar 102335 best atrepparttar 102336 very least several months to start seeing any real money. Don't despair if you turn out to be mortal, too. Give yourself a chance at this;repparttar 102337 rewards are simply too great. I'll leave you with a quote that sustained me many a night: "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott

(c)2004 by Keith Thompson Keith Thompson is the webmaster of Internet Marketing Here and Now!, featuring the latest and best tools for your internet marketing business. http://www.internetmarketinghere.com Email - keith@internetmarketinghere.com

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