Continued from page 1
So how to bring a spark of interest back to a noun like “slob”? (Note: "Slob" should not be confused with another four-letter word, “slog” as in
verb 'to toil' like witches do, 'to labour' as rock stars do, or 'to work' like a dog …like
rest of us do.)
The answer lies perhaps in tossing
tasteless term into
trashcan, (now stop snivelling's just for one day). Why not take another word out for for a test drive? After all, you've got lots to choose from.
In case there's no handy-dandy dictionary nearby, here's a luscious list of light-hearted love handles to use (besides "pig" or "hog" instead of "slob" to describe your boss, best friend, or long-lost relative Aunt “P”).
-- Abbey-lubber, Afterling, -- Bawdstrot, Blob-Tale, -- Daggle-Tail, Draggletail, Dustman, Drassock, Drossell, -- Fleak, Fonkin, Fopdoodle, -- Hoddypeak, -- Looby, -- Mudlark, Mumper, -- Porknell, -- Ragamuffin,Runcy -- Srubbado, Slattern, Sloven, Slop, Snollygoster, -- Tatterdemalion, Tosspot, -- Walking Mort, Wallydraigle, Wallower, Whiffling, Whipperginnie, -- (and last but not least one of my favorite's),
Yammering Yokel
Remember, mind-candy doesn’t come with any money-back guarantees – so you might want to use your new-fangled words with care, so as to avoid becoming addicted to them or being bopped over
head by someone with a bigger bumbershoot or a better dictionary than you!

Victoria Elizabeth, is a lady of leisure and lollygagging who enjoys playing with words in between doing serious stuff like performing her ripsnorting royal duties as "The Quipping Queen" at