A little love, please?

Written by Marsha Maung

Continued from page 1

Everything has changed. The world has changed. Mommy has changed. And it's all because Yee Sin came along.

When we came home, Yee Ting behaved very naughtily. She pulledrepparttar tablecloth fromrepparttar 110496 table and ruinedrepparttar 110497 vase and flower arrangements. She kicked around when she couldn't find her color pencils. And when I was carrying Yee Sin, she would climb all over me and Yee Sin, hoping to get in between.

Thank goodness, my mother came. Amazingly, Yee Sin took to my mother that day. And I hadrepparttar 110498 time to look at Yee Ting inrepparttar 110499 eye and reprimand her for her wrongdoing. I told her to come to my room as I had some things to tell her. I went torepparttar 110500 room before her. I waited for her while she ran aroundrepparttar 110501 living room looking for her things. She brought her books, her dolly and her play-doh. When she enteredrepparttar 110502 room, she cautiously tiptoed.

Then it struck me, this little young lady has finally found mommy all alone, with nothing to do. She has finally caught mommy in a moment whereby she would be free from everything. It is possible that mommy is nowrepparttar 110503 way she was before. But she has to be careful. This time is precious so, in order not to spoil anything, she would tiptoe around.

I felt very guilty. I felt terrible. I was being a terrible mom to Yee Ting. For all those times I scolded her for being naughty, she was trying to get me to pay attention to her. She was trying to tell me something emotional like, "Mommy's always with Yee Sin. I am jealous!", "I want my mommy back", "I feel hurt", "I feel left out" and "Mommy! Pay attention to me. I need you too!". But she doesn't haverepparttar 110504 vocabulary for it yet.

I sat with her inrepparttar 110505 room for half an hour, playing, reading, laughing, joking, smiling, cuddling and I told her I love her about a million times. After allrepparttar 110506 playing, I said to her, "Ting, mommy's sorry. I have no time for you, and I am extremely sorry for that. I love you. I love you tremendously and don't doubt that. It's difficult for mommy right now but nothing changed. I still love you. I need you to be a big girl, ok? I need you to be strong. I promise to make time for you everyday. I promise"

And this promise…..I kept. Yee Ting has never been better.

And asrepparttar 110507 title goes…a little love changed a little girl from a little monster to a little angel. A little love goes a long way.

Marsha Maung is a freelance work@home graphic designer and writer. She lives in Selangor, Malaysia with her husband, Peter and 2 boys, Joshua and Jared. She is the author of 'Raising Little Magicians' and other books. For more information, visit http://www.marshamaung.com

A Tool to Help Mothers Order their Lives

Written by Lisa M. Hendey

Continued from page 1

Proving that this planner has staying power,repparttar calendar section includes annual, moveable feasts and secular holidays through 2007. Other important features include a cross section of prayers, prayer request lists and prayer prompts and an array of printed and internet spiritual reference guides. Each week features a “weekly goals” worksheet that givesrepparttar 110495 userrepparttar 110496 opportunity to ponder and prioritizerepparttar 110497 following areas: spiritual growth, home and family, development of spiritual gifts, physical goals, ministry to others and financial goals.

Countless other special features abound inrepparttar 110498 Orderly Days planner, but I would recommend it most highly for its emphasis on placing a high priority on building and maintaining a solid relationship with God, and lettingrepparttar 110499 benefits of that friendship rule and enhance all other areas of our home and family life.

For more information visit http://www.motherhoodpress.com

Lisa M. Hendey is a mother of two sons, webmaster of http://www.catholicmom.com and http://www.christiancoloring.com, and an avid reader of Catholic literature. Visit her at http://www.lisahendey.com

Lisa M. Hendey is a mother of two sons, webmaster of http://www.catholicmom.com and http://www.christiancoloring.com, and an avid reader of Catholic literature. Visit her at http://www.lisahendey.com

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