A Visualization Exercise on Managing Expectations for Adults with ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1
The temple is your goal. When you reach your goal, you will reach your temple. Connect with your goal. What will it feel like when you reach that goal? Think ofrepparttar emotions you will experience. Think about what it will feel like to be in that temple. Step 4: Visualize Your Steps Now imagine that your temple is being raised intorepparttar 113661 sky. As your temple rises, stairs appear. The stairs to your temple are steps to your goal. Ask yourself, what arerepparttar 113662 steps that I need to climb in order to reach my goal? What has to happen in order for me to reach that goal? Are there any steps onrepparttar 113663 way to your goal that you have already achieved? If so, visualize yourself climbingrepparttar 113664 stairs to your temple. Step 5: Check-in With Yourself Do this exercise on a regular basis. Each time you take a step towards your goal, visualize yourself climbing a stair to your temple. Understand that some steps will be easy to climb, and some will be a little harder and will take more time. Even though it may seem like you've been working a long time and not getting anywhere on your goal, don't lose sight ofrepparttar 113665 fact that if you are climbingrepparttar 113666 stairs, then you are making progress. When you get impatient and frustrated about your progress, remember that life in itself is a journey. Growth and personal progress don't happen inrepparttar 113667 temple, they happen onrepparttar 113668 way torepparttar 113669 temple.

Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She encourages clients to increase self-awareness, focus on strengths and talents, and create realistic action plans. To subscribe to Jennifer’s free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, please visit http://www.addmanagement.com/e-newsletter.htm

Pregnancy--Your Baby's Growth and Development Within the Womb

Written by Larry Denton

Continued from page 1

Startingrepparttar third trimester, around twenty eight weeks,repparttar 113660 fetus is sixteen inches long and weighs from four to five pounds. It is adding body fat during this time. The fetus is becoming quite active and rudimentary breathing movements are present. At thirty two weeksrepparttar 113661 fetus has grown to be about eighteen inches long and weighs about five pounds. The fetus has periods of sleep and wakefulness and actually responds to sounds. Byrepparttar 113662 end ofrepparttar 113663 third trimester (thirty six to thirty eight weeks),repparttar 113664 fetus has grown to six pounds and is about nineteen inches long. The lanugo,repparttar 113665 fine, downy hair which coveredrepparttar 113666 body earlier, is mostly gone. The fetus is also gaining immunities fromrepparttar 113667 mother during this phase.

At this stage,repparttar 113668 expectant mother's uterus expands to a level just below her breast bone. Crowded byrepparttar 113669 enlarging uterus, in addition to high levels of progesterone hormone,repparttar 113670 mother may have violent episodes of heart burn and indigestion. She may also experience shortness of breath sincerepparttar 113671 uterus is pressing against her diaphragm and rib cage. Varicose veins inrepparttar 113672 legs, hemorrhoids, and swollen ankles sometimes appear due torepparttar 113673 increased pressure withrepparttar 113674 abdomen. Byrepparttar 113675 ninth month,repparttar 113676 expectant mother often looks forward torepparttar 113677 end ofrepparttar 113678 pregnancy. She may become more concerned about labor, birth andrepparttar 113679 health of her baby. Through childbirth classes,repparttar 113680 expectant parents can learn more about labor, birth, and how to cope withrepparttar 113681 stress ofrepparttar 113682 latter part of pregnancy.

About two weeks before birth,repparttar 113683 profile ofrepparttar 113684 expectant mother is likely to change asrepparttar 113685 fetus descends intorepparttar 113686 pelvic cavity. The mother may now feel less pressure on her diaphragm, consequently making it easier to breathe and to eat. However, becauserepparttar 113687 head ofrepparttar 113688 fetus can press against her bladder, she many need to urinate more frequently. Asrepparttar 113689 pregnancy reaches its conclusion,repparttar 113690 baby's head presses againstrepparttar 113691 mother's pelvis and her cervix becomes stronger and thinner. This thinning is a sign of readiness for labor and birth. Awkwardness and fatigue may add torepparttar 113692 expectant mother's desire forrepparttar 113693 pregnancy to be over. Atrepparttar 113694 same time, she may feel a spurt of energy and feel a "nesting urge" which results fromrepparttar 113695 preparations forrepparttar 113696 arrival of a new baby.

Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High School in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises an Internet business dedicated to providing information and resources on a variety of topics. For a delivery room full of additional information and quality resources concerning pregnancy visit http://www.PregnancySense.com

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