Written by Robert J Farey

Continued from page 1

These adverts must be good for them to stay in business. What do they have that yours don’t. Study them. Look atrepparttar words that they use. Look atrepparttar 108735 way that they use them.

Use this knowledge to spice up your ad‘s. If it works for them, it can work for you.

You don‘t have to Spam. Use their expertise to run a legitimate business.

If you have a Spam blocker, sign up to a separate e-mail account and send out an advert to a free list. You will have enough unsolicited e-mail to keep you going for months.

Use their expertise to your advantage.

Good luck and keep learning. That isrepparttar 108736 only way to stay on top. If you feel that you have nothing more to learn, You are in for a surprise. When you stop learning, you stop winning. Let’s face it,repparttar 108737 whole idea is to win, and keep on winning.

Good luck. …Bob……

By-line. Robert earns his crust by targeting the thousands of newcomers to internet trading. He aims to cut their learning curve to enable them to start earning money from the word go. He learned the hard way. You can learn the easy way. Checkout his website. It's not posh. It's not perfect, but it is effective. http://www.learn-and-earn-now.co.uk/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Written by Robert J Farey

Continued from page 1
Solve your reader's problems. Talk torepparttar reader as a person. If you make a promise, make sure you keep it. Decide what you want your readers to do next and ask them to do it. Make it easy for them. Ask for an action, 'click here, buy now' etc. For more information, 'Do this. Do that. Go to.' Make it easy to sign up. Inrepparttar 108734 copy and atrepparttar 108735 end ofrepparttar 108736 copy. Offer a freebie for signing up. (Make sure that it is relevant and of high perceived value.)

Ensure that any links inrepparttar 108737 copy are working properly. If you are using an autoresponder, give them a way of contacting you. Your email address at least, your phone number will give people confidence. If you feel that I have left out something of importance, let me know. I would prefer that you email me but my phone number is there if you should need it.

Robert earns his crust by targeting the thousands of newcomers to internet trading. He aims to cut their learning curve to enable them to start earning money from the word go. He learned the hard way. You can learn the easy way. Checkout his website. It's not posh. It's not perfect, but it is effective. http://www.learn-and-earn-now.co.uk/

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