A Successful eCommerce Website - Part 1

Written by Richard G Keir

Continued from page 1

You need to have an attractive website. Some can do well with an ugly site, but, in that case, you need to really understand what you're doing and why it might work. The ugly site tactic is not forrepparttar inexperienced and very few individuals truly haverepparttar 105261 grasp of marketing and customer psychology that can lead to a successful "ugly" site.

To provide a pleasant experience, you need to be careful in what you use - colors, text-size, graphics, animation and white space can add value to your site or turn it into a user nightmare. Test your site with people who will tell yourepparttar 105262 truth. Just because you love it doesn't mean anyone else will. In general, aiming for a professional appearing site is your best option.

Wherever you can, provide incentives for customers to buy and to return. The return factor is a critical piece of a long-term strategy for success. Anyone who buys is your best possible future customer. Keep them, track them, make them special offers. Use coupons, discounts, special deals, customer-only offers and back end sales. Your customer base is your gold mine. They have at least some faith in you, enough to have purchased. Do your utmost to never damage that faith and treat them withrepparttar 105263 care they deserve.

The next article inrepparttar 105264 series will discuss factors such as personalization, security and assisting your staff in dealing consistently with customers customer support.

Contracting the computer bug in the early 80's (yes, pre-www) and never cured, Richard, a PhD Clinical Paychologist, now writes on eCommerce, RSS and Niche marketing at http://www.Building-eCommerce-Websites.com

You may freely reprint but the link must be live and spiderable

Where Do You Find Time for a Home Based Business?

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Continued from page 1

Chill out with friends?

Here's what I do; I tell them not to bother me duringrepparttar week because I am busy, but I make it a point to get together at least once a fortnight with some really close associates. Because of my attitude, I get curious enquiries like "What is it that you're so busy with"?

And guess what I tell them? I say "Look John, I have found a way I can be financially free in 2-3 years and I am dedicating my life to it. I know for a fact that I will achieve it, and I'd like to have you as my partner. If you’re interested to find out more, let me know. Otherwise, don't stop my progress".

Excellent prospecting line too, don't you think?

What about allrepparttar 105259 household chores that you have? Hey, I have them too. But I know that there are better ways to make use of my time, so I "outsource" my laundry, car maintenance and almost everything I can. I know I will probably spend more money than I usually do, but I am intent on "making time" for my home based business.

I stopped watching TV years ago, and even went almost a year without one. However I do go torepparttar 105260 cinemas and watchrepparttar 105261 news, but I just can’t be bothered with watching every season of CSI orrepparttar 105262 American Idol because I know there are more productive things I can do with my time. Now you may be wondering "That’s radical. Do you mean I have to sacrifice my entertainment when I start my own business?"

No… not really, but you MUST learn to control it. Go torepparttar 105263 local bookstore and try getting a book on profiles of really rich and famous people. I guarantee you that you'll find out most of them don't watch much TV either. The theory of Delayed Gratification states that in order to have any amount of success in life, you must learn to postpone your pleasures until you have achieved your goal. Isn't it worth sacrificing your TV time for 2 years, and after that, be able to watch your favorite shows on a 56 inch plasma TV, with allrepparttar 105264 time inrepparttar 105265 world?

You tell me...

Don't letrepparttar 105266 little things rob you of great opportunities. Time isrepparttar 105267 only common denominator betweenrepparttar 105268 rich,repparttar 105269 middle-class andrepparttar 105270 poor. In other words,repparttar 105271 only thingrepparttar 105272 rich andrepparttar 105273 poor share is that they both have 24 hours a day. It's how we make use of our time that will determine how far we go towards achieving our dreams.

Gobala Krishnan is an author and home based business entrepreneur. Get his free ebook called "My Internet Dream" and 10 FREE training lessons on Internet-based network marketing at http://www.MyInternetDream.com today!

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