A Strategy for Attracting Higher Paying Client

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

7. Don't brown nose. It’s a cabbage thing. If they smell it, they will either quick answering your calls or play you for entertainment and then toss you away. If you get this label, just move on.

8. People that earn more money substituterepparttar word "mistake" for "learning lesson." If you don't share this philosophy, change it. It’s a good one to change any way. They experience life and don't worry aboutrepparttar 103387 valleys. The mistake belief holds an underlying fear. Fear is energy and has a smell, and they sense it, easily.

9. Their first response to your proposal will always be "how can they do it with their own resources." Expect this to be their first immediate thought. Prepare to be able to demonstrate what you offer is what they can't find within their own resources -- they can't match it without more effort or a different focus. This will earn you brownie points towards a sale.

10. The higherrepparttar 103388 stature,repparttar 103389 higher leveraging skills they learned. Leveraging also includes negotiating. The number one skill I recommend people getting in business is to learn how and when to negotiate and how people think when they are in negotiation mode. The game changes with decisions need to be made andrepparttar 103390 cards are onrepparttar 103391 table. Higher paying clients don't connect business and pleasure. You will want to learn how to dorepparttar 103392 same. They may win in business and have drink with your afterwards. Learn to let go quickly.

11. The first "no" is always a test. Don't take it personally or asrepparttar 103393 final answer but make sure you haverepparttar 103394 right match. Listen if they say no and give three reasons why not. This is a firmer no and they are telling you what they need (the reasons). It’s your turn to tell them if you can answer those reasons. If not, you loose, negotiation over.

12. When you are looking for higher paying clients, look for people who see your product or service as not only valuable, but also essential to their goals or objectives.

13. Know what your service or product is worth and stand by that value. Discount isn't in your vocabulary or theres. Don't make it yours and speak of it first or even second. Only speak of it if they are willing to show yourepparttar 103395 money now and it leads to a higher value for something.

14. Removerepparttar 103396 "under earner" mindset behind. If you have more money then they do because of what you do, don't talk down to them, or make them feel inferior in any way.

15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove any hoops or extra steps that take up their time. They are very time sensitive. If it takes chasing you down by phone, they will not bother. If you don't answer their emails within a comfortable time for them, they will move on and accomplish whatever was on their agenda without you. When they do contact you, rest assured, it’s important. They don't waste their time.

16. Decide in advance, how you are going to hand any rejections or protests. What, when, where and how will you follow-up? What back doors can you come in from -- with integrity, of course?

17. High presentation quality required. If they feel comfortable seeing a slide presentation, don't use a hand- drawn flip chart. If you don't know, ask a few of their current suppliers and a staff member.

18. Set up a sophisticated referral-marketing program. It really is who you know in their circle. Find their circle and consistently show up. Not to market but to build relationships and make connections. When they like you, you're in.

19. Be confident about your attraction. Feelrepparttar 103397 energy ofrepparttar 103398 universe, sense it’s attraction, remove any doubt and believe in it 100%. Know that it will occur and allow attraction to enter and be a total part of your life and business.

Are you ready for this step up? Attracting higher paying clients when you previously didn't, takes commitment, planning, and changing. Jump in withoutrepparttar 103399 allrepparttar 103400 answers, and tweak. It’s guaranteed to work, that’srepparttar 103401 wayrepparttar 103402 Law of Attraction works.

Catherine Franz, a eight-year Certified Professional Coach, Graduate of Coach University, Mastery University, editor of three ezines, columnist, author of thousands of articles website: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

How any DJ can increase their gigs and profits by this simple strategy

Written by Owen Nicholson

Continued from page 1


·At ‘Big Bens’ DJ services, we only use a special sound system that there is only three other companies are using inrepparttar world.

·At Electric DJ’s, we haverepparttar 103386 largest range of music tracks available anywhere.

By having any of these areas (you may have a niche one) allows for customer to choose someone who is providingrepparttar 103387 benefit and solution that they are after.

How do you choose an USP?

That comes down to understanding your customers. What are their needs, wants and desires? What questions do your customers ask themselves before they buy? For example:

Why should I choose this business? What are they going to do for me? What promises will they make for me? What exceptions will be granted for me? How much value are they going to add to my life? What cost is it? What support systems are in place? How convenient is it to use this business? Will I suffer any consequences from going to this business? How much pleasure will I receive from doing business here?

And so on.

Find out what your customers wants. ASK THEM.

The easiest way to develop your USP is to find out what is your customer’s problems are in dealing with your competitors and solve that problem.

Here’s how Jay Abraham describes how to put it into practice.

You know how…

Well, what we do…

·You know how you have to wait in a line for over 20mins in banks to be served. Well, what we do is if anyone has been waiting in line for more than 10mins in our bank, we credit your account $10.

·You know how most mechanics need your car overnight to fix and leave you stranded without a car. Well, what we do is supply you with a car to use overnight so you wont be inconvenienced.

Now your turn. Grab a piece of paper and write a few responses.

You now how…….

Well what we do is……

It’s that easy. Find a problem that your customer’s are experiencing with a competitor and solve it. You have then developed your USP.

You must therefore investigate what your competitors are doing. For instance:

You must know how they are treating their customers. What they are offering them? What their prices are? What extra benefits do their customers get? What support and advice do they get? Where are they letting their customers down?

By knowing these answers is very powerful. It allows yourepparttar 103388 feedback on how to develop your business and not fall inrepparttar 103389 trap that your competitors are setting for themselves.

You must dorepparttar 103390 opposite to what they are doing. Offer more solutions than your competitor isrepparttar 103391 key. Offer more value. Offer more convenience. Offer more advice. Offer more.

Now you can understand that when most DJ’s say our USP is that we offer better quality and service, this doesn’t stand up because that is what your competitor is also offering. You must fine a problem inrepparttar 103392 quality or service and solve that area.

If you don’t do this, you will become a business of ‘pick me, pick me’.

Owen Nicholson has been showing DJ's all over the world how to increase their gigs and profits. To get a free report 'Advertising Mistakes that DJ's Make' go to http://www.disc-jockey-profits.com

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