A Strategic Fifth Column

Written by Gerald L. Campbell

Continued from page 1

For some time, international politics has been undergoing an amazing metamorphosis brought on by two historic developments. First,repparttar global communications revolution has democratizedrepparttar 126026 nature of political power on a global scale. Second,repparttar 126027 center of gravity in international politics is moving away fromrepparttar 126028 traditional elites of state-to-state relations torepparttar 126029 existential and democratic urges of peoples and causes.

Increasingly, world public opinion is becoming a potent force capable of decisive influence overrepparttar 126030 policies and conduct of states, no matter how dictatorial or how free. The management of state-to-state relations, even though necessary, is no longer a sufficient mechanism to influencerepparttar 126031 dynamics of international politics, asrepparttar 126032 collapse ofrepparttar 126033 Soviet Union and our recent experience with Turkey demonstrate. To compete inrepparttar 126034 global marketplace of ideas, we must reconstitute and reinvigorate our public diplomacy apparatus and stand solidly aligned with truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom.

Given this challenge,repparttar 126035 issue before us is clear. The nihilistic impulse of terrorism is not on trial. It offers only hatred and defends nothing. Freedom itself is not on trial. Its promise is intertwined inrepparttar 126036 very fabric of human existence. What is on trial isrepparttar 126037 authenticity of America's commitment to human freedom. And while we must not go abroad "seeking dragons to destroy," as Adams cautioned, we must userepparttar 126038 power of example to exalt peoples everywhere to move towards a new world order, an order infused withrepparttar 126039 spirit ofrepparttar 126040 inalienable rights of man andrepparttar 126041 freedom ofrepparttar 126042 individual. Without authenticity in this effort, battles may be won, butrepparttar 126043 ultimate contest will be lost.

So,repparttar 126044 task ahead is not image building. Image building is unsubstantial and affronts personal dignity. Nor isrepparttar 126045 task essentially an articulation and defense of US policies. Gains made for such aims can only be superficial and short-lived. The only way to win this global contest is to build authentic relationships with peoples everywhere in their struggle to realize freedom.

To that end, America has at its disposal a strategic fifth column positioned aroundrepparttar 126046 world. This fifth column is made up of freedom-loving individuals who, while unorganized and undisciplined, are waiting patiently forrepparttar 126047 trumpets to call. They man their posts in every hovel, crowded apartment, or house, in every school, workplace, or center of worship, in every rural region, town, or city in every country and hemisphere ofrepparttar 126048 world.

If America renews her sacred commitment to those individuals yearning for freedom, and if it keeps faith withrepparttar 126049 revolutionary potential inherent in that yearning, this fifth column - backed up by America's economic, military, and diplomatic determination - will unleash democratic forces and processes in countries scattered aboutrepparttar 126050 globe that will be irresistible. And sooner than we think,repparttar 126051 oppressors, one by one, will be vanquished.


Gerald L. Campbell served as senior staff to Members of the U.S. House of Representatives for nine years. He became Senior Advisor to the Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA) under President Ronald Reagan and President George Bush.

Campbell went on to serve the administration of President George Bush and later, he served Texas Governor Bush as Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of Health at the Texas Department of Health in Austin.

Clarification of UN Verification

Written by Gerald L. Campbell

Continued from page 1

Remember when Hans Blix said: "We have found no smoking gun." He should have been called onrepparttar carpet right there. He used a turn of language that misdirectedrepparttar 126025 debate fromrepparttar 126026 outset. It implied thatrepparttar 126027 'inspectors' were looking for 'something.' That phrase in itself changedrepparttar 126028 nature ofrepparttar 126029 UN Resolution and no one seemed to notice. He was not challenged.

Further semantic confusion has been introduced: disarming Iraq, regime change, destroying weapons of mass destruction. The use of these terms placesrepparttar 126030 burden onrepparttar 126031 US to disarm Iraq, to dorepparttar 126032 job Iraq should be doing. Spelling outrepparttar 126033 definition of 'serious consequences' introduces intorepparttar 126034 debate additional and troubling notions:repparttar 126035 strategy of preemption, a preference for unilateralism instead of multilateralism, charges of bullying, war vs. peace, and so forth. Too many unsettling issues are beforerepparttar 126036 public, contributing torepparttar 126037 venom that is now directed atrepparttar 126038 US from quarters everywhere.

The debate should be limited as much as possible torepparttar 126039 terms: 'Prove' and 'Verify'. The UN doesn't need more inspectors. They don't need more time. Iraq needs to proverepparttar 126040 veracity of their claims plain and simple. The simple truth is: after months, Iraq is not willing to comply withrepparttar 126041 UN Resolution 1441. Yet, it was up to Iraq to demonstrate their status fromrepparttar 126042 timerepparttar 126043 UN Resolution was first passed.

Language is important. Indeed, it may be as critical as policy itself because it providesrepparttar 126044 ethos within whichrepparttar 126045 policy is implemented.


Gerald L. Campbell served as senior staff to Members of the U.S. House of Representatives for nine years. He became Senior Advisor to the Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA) under President Ronald Reagan and President George Bush.

Campbell went on to serve the administration of President George Bush and later, he served Texas Governor Bush as Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of Health at the Texas Department of Health in Austin.

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