A Simple but Powerful Guide to Meditation

Written by Rob Watson

Continued from page 1


This meditation should be done every morning, before eating, for ten minutes, gradually increasing time up to twenty minutes.

This meditation will tend to keep you awake longer so if you decide to do it inrepparttar evening please do it before your evening meal.

Now that you have decided to meditate, choose a comfortable chair which allows you to sit upright,loosen or remove any tight clothing. If you are extra tense, you can shrug your shoulders, roll your neck and use your favorite body stretches.

1.Inhale a deep breath torepparttar 129748 count of four and slowly exhale torepparttar 129749 count of six. Repeat five times.

2.Assume normal breathing.

3.Close your eyelids and focus your eyes upwards to third eye. This isrepparttar 129750 point between eyelashes directly aboverepparttar 129751 bridge ofrepparttar 129752 nose.

4.Let your chin rest on your chest, head relaxed downward.

5.Let your hands rest easily on your lap, palms turned upwards as a sign of receptivity.

6.Make sure your spine is upright and also haverepparttar 129753 bottom of your feet rest onrepparttar 129754 floor thereby keeping you grounded.

7.Your mantra isrepparttar 129755 word "aum". Mentally repeat this word over and over without moving your lips or tongue.

As you are mentally repeating your mantra "aum - aum - aum", if other thoughts enter just gently push them aside.

By doing this MANTRA Meditation on a daily basis, you will feel inner peace, inner serenity. This inner serenity will glow to such an extent outwardly, your friends man even comment on it.

I cannot repeat this enough, "This meditation is very powerful".

Within thirty days, you yourself will surely notice a lot of little changes, all positive changes and just by doing this "MANTRA Meditation". You will surely notice its "miraculous healing powers awakening within you".

Rob Watson publishes waytosuccess.net dedicated to helping individuals develop successful life strategies, both personal and business Motivational articles are published daily containing a rich variety of topical subjects

Copyright 2004 Rob Watson robwatson@waytosuccess.net http://www.waytosuccess.net

Prevailer: Overcoming Survivorism

Written by Candace Cook

Continued from page 1

By referring to ourselves as survivors, we keep ourselves locked inrepparttar grips ofrepparttar 129746 abuse. Say these two sentences out loud.. 1. I am an abuse survivor. 2. I have prevailed over an abuser and his attacks against me.

There is a difference inrepparttar 129747 emotions these two sentences invoke. Inrepparttar 129748 first sentence, I am an abuse survivor,repparttar 129749 following is present: 1. The word abuse is given a prominent location inrepparttar 129750 sentence, focusing attention on that word, rather than on survivor. 2. When said aloud,repparttar 129751 word abuse is givenrepparttar 129752 strong accent.. I am an abuse survivor. 3. This sentence defines YOU according torepparttar 129753 abuse. I am an abuse survivor. This defines you.. meaning you have allowedrepparttar 129754 abuse to define your life. It implies thatrepparttar 129755 primary character and life shaping event in your life was being abused. I don't know about you, but while abuse played a part in my character & life development, it falls far from beingrepparttar 129756 most important life & character shaping event of my life.

Inrepparttar 129757 second sentence, I have prevailed over an abuser and his attacks against me,repparttar 129758 following is present: 1. The word prevailed is given a prominent location inrepparttar 129759 sentence, focusing attention on that word and what it means, rather thanrepparttar 129760 event (the abuser and his attacks). 2. When said aloud,repparttar 129761 word prevailed is givenrepparttar 129762 strong accent.. I have prevailed over an abuser and his attacks against me. This focuses attention on your accomplishment, your reaction torepparttar 129763 attack - rather than giving attention torepparttar 129764 abuser and what he did to you. 3. The phrase, "I have prevailed over.." gives yourself and any other listenerrepparttar 129765 impression AND THE TRUTH about what happened. You were abused, but you also prevailed overrepparttar 129766 abuser because their goal was complete destruction of you and they failed. 4. This sentence does not define you according torepparttar 129767 abuse. It's simply a statement about one thing you have accomplished in your life. You prevailed over an abuser an his attacks against you. You are not defined by that event or time period in your life, rather, you have grown from it.

It's possible that some may not believe thatrepparttar 129768 way you say things makes a difference.. but, just look atrepparttar 129769 old saying "Isrepparttar 129770 glass half full or half empty?" It is a fact thatrepparttar 129771 way you say things affectsrepparttar 129772 way you think andrepparttar 129773 way others think. Perception and impression can be changed simply by making a few changes inrepparttar 129774 way you word a sentence.

I do not use my experience with abuse as an excuse for anything I may do. I do not require any person's sympathy. I do not define myself or my life byrepparttar 129775 event of abuse. So, I make sure thatrepparttar 129776 words I use to describe that event reflect my feelings.

I have prevailed over an abuser and his attacks against me.

24 year old mother of 2, stepmother of 2 and legal guardian of 1. Prevailer over sexual abuse and rape. Founder of internet support comminuty for survivors/prevailers over sexual abuse and rape. http://prevailer.true.ws

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