A Simple Debt Consolidation Loan Can Save You Money Immediately And Even Stop Foreclosure.

Written by Keith Hunt

Continued from page 1

More importantly, this man's house was saved and his family was in a much stronger financial position.

“A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it,” Bob Hope once quipped. But when you are going through a bad financial spell, you need an institution that will stand by you.

Banks tend to make loans that are risk-free to them. It is hard to imagine that any bank would have helped him in this situation. But as a nationwide mortgage banker we have ongoing relationships with lenders that specialise in different types of loans. This knowledge allowed us to help a client save a family home from certain foreclosure.

Although we haverepparttar ability to help in extreme situations such as this, we highly recommend that homeowners take action long before desperation sets in.

For more information please go to: http://www.GoldMedalMortgage5.com/Debt_Consolidation_Loans.htm GoldMedalMortgage.com a nationwide home mortgage loan company, powered by Infiniti Mortgage Capital, also offers a full range range of mortgage products including first time home buyer programs.

For immediate assistance to stop foreclosure please call toll free 1 888 483 2500

Camelot Marketing is a full service agency for small to mid-size clients.

Your Credit Rating and How to Check It

Written by David Miles

Continued from page 1

Remember that because some companies supply information to Equifax, some to Experian, and some to both, you will need to order copies of your file from both agencies in order to get a full picture of your credit record.

Alternatively,repparttar online service available from checkmyfile.com will allow you to undergo a free credit score check, as well as download (for a fee) a copy of your full credit report.

If, after having obtained a copy of your credit file, you find that it contains errors, you can takerepparttar 112316 matter up with Equifax and/or Experian and ask them to correctrepparttar 112317 mistakes. Full details ofrepparttar 112318 procedure for correcting your file are available onrepparttar 112319 companies' websites and are also sent inrepparttar 112320 post along withrepparttar 112321 copy of your credit file.

Credit scores, credit ratings, and credit blacklists

First of all, let's dispel a popular myth.

A lot of people think that there is a "blacklist" you can end up on if you have a particularly poor credit history, and that if you are on this list you will automatically be refused credit.

This is simply not true - there is no such thing as a credit blacklist. If you have been refused a mortgage or other form of credit,repparttar 112322 reason will be because your credit score was not high enough.

When a lender requests information about you from a credit reference agency, they apply a mathematical formula to that information in order to give you a credit score. Different lenders will use slightly different factors to createrepparttar 112323 score.

Also,repparttar 112324 definition of a good or acceptable score will vary from one mortgage lender to another. Therefore, it is quite possible to be turned down by one lender but be accepted for a mortgage by another.

Given that you are potentially worsening your credit score every time you approach a lender about a mortgage and they run a credit check on you, and given that different lenders will have different criteria for assessing your credit worthiness, it makes sense to talk torepparttar 112325 experts right fromrepparttar 112326 start if you are looking to take out a mortgage but suspect you may be hampered by a poor credit record.

If you're worried that a poor credit record may affect your ability to obtain a mortgage or remortgage, Clean Slate Mortgages can help put you find a mortgage adviser who specialises in finding mortgages and remortgages for people with credit problems.


Copyright 2004 David Miles. You are welcome to reproduce this article on your website, so long as it is published "as is" (unedited) and withrepparttar 112327 author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. In addition, all links to external websites must be left in place.

David Miles is the editor of Clean Slate Mortgages, a website that provides information on debt, credit records, mortgages and remortgages.

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