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1. You want
stimulation of working together with others and do better work within a group environment.
2. Your company gives you access to accounts and challenges you feel you couldn’t find on your own.
3. You don’t feel you have
skills or confidence to get out there and be sure of getting enough work on your own to pay
4. You may want to go freelance one day, but first want to get
experience and build up a portfolio and reputation while working for a company or agency.
Finally, being freelance or working as an employee is no indicator of how ‘good’ you are. You won’t find all
best writers are freelancers, or employees. I know some excellent writers who work for themselves, and some equally good writers who are employed.
When you come down to it, we all make choices based on what suits our personalities, circumstances and ambitions. There is no best way or even better way. We all have different goals in life and simply find
route that best serves those goals.

Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author, speaker and advocate of good writing. You can access all his archived newsletter articles on copywriting and writing for the web at his site. You'll find more articles and resources on how to make money as a freelance writer at