A Professional Copywriter Can Help You Avoid These Seven Common Marketing Pitfalls

Written by Heather Robson

Continued from page 1

3. Selling Features This common marketing trap is similar torepparttar Me-Centered copy trap. Instead of figuring wantrepparttar 120932 prospect wants to know about your product (why they need it, how it will help them), it’s so easy to just tell them what you know aboutrepparttar 120933 product. A professional copywriter will avoid this trap and focus on a product’s benefits, not features.

4. No Testimonials If your copy doesn’t include powerful testimonials, you’re marketing efforts are missing out on one of their most powerful tools. A professional copywriter will always ask about testimonials. If you don’t have them, they’ll offer some tips for collecting them.

5. Where’s Your Target? One ofrepparttar 120934 most common copywriting errors is overlookingrepparttar 120935 target market. In an effort not to exclude anyone,repparttar 120936 copy doesn’t appeal torepparttar 120937 people it’s really meant for. If your copy doesn’t immediately grab (and hold)repparttar 120938 attention of those your product or service is meant for, a professional copywriter can help your response rate.

6. What’s Your USP? Your Unique Selling Proposition. What sets you apart fromrepparttar 120939 competition. And ultimately why someone buys from you. A professional copywriter will want to know what it is or will help you determine it. And they will use it to make your marketing copy stronger.

7. Don’t generalize. A professional copywriter will spend time researchingrepparttar 120940 market and issues of interest related to your product. They’ll always be specific withrepparttar 120941 information they convey, adding intrigue and credibility to your every marketing piece.

These are just some ofrepparttar 120942 most common pitfalls that a professional copywriter can help you avoid. By enlistingrepparttar 120943 services of a professional, you can improve your marketing efforts through a better response rate and an increased return on investment.

Heather Robson is a founding partner of DragonFly Creative Media (http://www.dfcreative.com), a company that helps businesses that are overwhelmed or shorthanded move forward with their marketing strategies.

7 Ways to Improve your Creative Marketing

Written by Ja-Naé Duane

Continued from page 1

Who will benefit most from your product? This is a good question to keep in mind when looking for collaborations. It’s particularly true if you’re trying to approach a business. Remember that they will have their own interests at heart, so they’ll want to know how you can help them. A friend of mine used to send postcards to bars that said, “I want to help you sell liquor.” Of course his band gotrepparttar gig! So instead of thinking of ways for you to benefit from others, start thinking of ways they can benefit from you: you’re sure to have success. Where to begin? No matter what, you have to begin somewhere; otherwise you won’t begin at all. Though it does matter where you start, what is most important is THAT you start. Start small if you’re nervous about getting your feet wet, but once you start, remember; you can never stop. This is your business; this is you. And your life and financial future could be counting on it. _____________________________________________________________ Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder ofrepparttar 120931 National Artistic Effort, social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is takingrepparttar 120932 world by storm.....one gig at a time. Check out: http://www.Ja-Nae.com Hear Ja-Naé: http://www.mp3.com/Ja_Na__Duane Buy Ja-Naé Merchandise: http://www.cafepress.com/janaeduane Join her mailing list!: Ja-Nae@yahoogroups.com For more information onrepparttar 120933 National Artistic Effort, please go to: http://www.geocities.com/elektra1313/ REPRINT PERMISSION Would you like to run some ofrepparttar 120934 content from this article on your web site or in your e-zine? You may do so for free as long as you addrepparttar 120935 following credit:

"Reprinted from Ja-Naé Duane's Newsletter, featuring Ja-Naé's up-coming gigs and projects; and focusing on free self- promotion ideas; and free self-actualizing hints. Visit www.Ja-Nae.com for free details." __________________________________________________ Ja-Naé Duane's Articles are published by Ja-Naé Duane E-mail: nae@Ja-Nae.com http://www.Ja-Nae.com/ (c) 2003 by Ja-Naé Duane - All Rights Reserved __________________________________________________

Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort,social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is taking the worldby storm.....one gig at a time. Check out: http://www.Ja-Nae.com

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