A New Look at Labor Day

Written by Robert F. Abbott

Continued from page 1

This ownership of big business by working people isrepparttar result of contributions to pension funds, mutual funds, and life insurance policies with a savings component.

What does all this mean? Well, for starters, perhaps an end of complaints aboutrepparttar 126023 profits of corporations. After all, most of those profits go towardrepparttar 126024 retirement incomes of working people.

More complicated, though, isrepparttar 126025 relationship between working people who own a big company and other working people employed by it. How to share corporate profits -- through continuing employment and higher wages, or through higher returns to shareholders -- remains a difficult issue. Especially for those working people who lose their jobs.

Onrepparttar 126026 other side ofrepparttar 126027 coin, working people have bought enough stocks and shares to becomerepparttar 126028 bosses ofrepparttar 126029 bosses. Some pension funds have begun making that clear; CalPERS,repparttar 126030 California Public Employees' Retirement System, has ledrepparttar 126031 way in telling Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and boards of directors that they'd better manage effectively. And, CEOs and directors listen; after all CalPERS runsrepparttar 126032 country's biggest pension fund, with assets of more than $130 billion.

One other thing: if you're a working person, you're a consumer, as well as an owner and employee. When you go shopping, there's a chance you'll buy from a business owned by yourself, your friends, or your neighbors. What's more,repparttar 126033 clerks who take your credit card with smiles may work for you. Or, mayberepparttar 126034 clerks ownrepparttar 126035 company for which you work. Smile at them, too, just to be onrepparttar 126036 safe side!

Robert F. Abbott explains how working people are buying up big corporations, and more, in his new book Meet the New Owners: www.TheNewOwners.com .

No Boondoggle to Tie Foreign Aid to Recipients' Core Values

Written by Marc J. Lane

Continued from page 1

The MCA concept breaks withrepparttar past. Public officials would be held to high conflict-of-interest standards. They would be required to disclose their assets sorepparttar 126022 potential for illicit enrichment is kept to a minimum.

Whistle-blowers would be protected from reprisals. Prosecutors and judges would be independent. And businesses would be forced to comply with laws banning bribery.

Butrepparttar 126023 bill, which was overwhelmingly passed byrepparttar 126024 U.S. House of Representatives on July 24, faces resistance inrepparttar 126025 Senate. Its critics argue that sincerepparttar 126026 MCA doesn't focus solely on economic development, it's doomed to become just another foreign aid failure.

And, truth be told,repparttar 126027 legislation will probably be tweaked to foster gender equality, protectrepparttar 126028 environment and pursue other worthwhile goals.

The futilitarian naysayers are dead wrong to insist thatrepparttar 126029 measure shouldn't do anything but directly stimulate economic development. The better view recognizes that any law must be true to America's core values.

Countries whose development strategies don't draw onrepparttar 126030 talent and ability of women are less likely to succeed and don't deserve our support. And only countries whose environmental practices are sound can offer investors a robust climate for commerce. Compelling foreign aid recipients to adopt enlightened, pro-growth policies is good politics and good business.

Marc Lane is a business and tax attorney, a Master Registered Financial Planner, a Registered Financial Consultant, and a Certified Investment Specialist. An Adjunct Professor of Law at Northwestern University and an Adjunct Professor of Business at the University of Illinois.

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