A Mommy Moment

Written by Kim Bloomer

Continued from page 1

On one of our “days” together, my husband and I were inrepparttar kitchen talking. My husband was working a swing type shift forrepparttar 111009 US Postal Service back then and hadn’t left for work yet. “Macky cheese” was cooking onrepparttar 111010 stove, not yet ready for my nephew to do his part of addingrepparttar 111011 cheese and stirring,repparttar 111012 stereo was blaring inrepparttar 111013 background, my dog was trucking around keeping an eye on my nephew. My nephew was skipping around in a circle nearby making toddler noises.

Then it happened –repparttar 111014 “mommy moment”. I stopped talking to my husband to look at my nephew and sort of chuckle at his toddler singing noises, and looked around in a sort of daze, thinking, “This is a mommy moment!” This is what moms do all day and never think twice about it in order to keep their sanity and their selves intact. My nephew had blended into my life almost so seamlessly, that I had become comfortable withrepparttar 111015 routine and noises while keeping an ever vigilant eye open for him and yet continuing on in my daily chores.

This is what all you moms do daily, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week! All I can say is, with much ado, you are all phenomenal women, all of you! God has gifted you with such a tremendous gift of motherhood and with that gift comes a tremendous responsibility. You fixrepparttar 111016 “boo boos”, changerepparttar 111017 diapers, are chauffeur, chef, arbitration expert, financial wizard, stain masters, and so much, much more! Moms, you have allrepparttar 111018 skills required to run conglomerates just by what is required to be a mom. Remember that duringrepparttar 111019 struggles that inevitably ensue, and grab one of those “mommy moments” from your treasure box to get you through. I do, and I’m not even a mom.

“Listen my son, accept what I say, andrepparttar 111020 years of your life will be many. I guide you inrepparttar 111021 way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold onto instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” Proverbs 4: 10 – 13, NIV. Let’s not forget Proverbs 31 either!

Kim Bloomer operates a home business in wellness, www.aspenbloomnutrition.com . She is also publisher of a pet wellness channel, www.Aspenbloom-WellPet.com Kim is co-founder of channel KTEH, an online marketing advertising co-op, www.KickTheEmailHabit.net and website www.KickTheEmailHabit.com or just go to http://KimBloomer.com for an “all inclusive” look.

Finding the Right Baby Soap

Written by Erwin Venegas

Continued from page 1

Consider using natural baby soap that is made from only natural ingredients insuring that it is safe and gentle on your baby's skin. Many times natural baby soap even helps protect and soothe your baby's skin.

Duringrepparttar first few weeks and months of your babies life, your baby's skin will develop spots, rashes, and some dots. This is normal. They will come and go naturally, but if you are concerned, then do not hesitate to contact your doctor or pediatrician. Even though your baby’s skin will go through a few rough times, if you are usingrepparttar 111008 right baby soap, then you know that you are caring for your baby’s skin as best as you can.

Erwin Venegas is a father and helps run an e-commerce business providing natural baby products and toiletries. The shop can be found at http://www.ecobaby.uk

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