A Magnificent Obsession Is The Best Medicine!

Written by Richard Vegas

Continued from page 1

All That Glitters Is Not Gold!

Now, I realize you may not have John D's assets. But, if you doubt this you can prove it to yourself by giving a smile to every one you meet today. Give a pleasant word, a kind gesture and watch what happens.

If you do this, you will discover something about yourself: that it is very difficult to create desirable actions within yourself. . Do this and you will discover that what you have left after you share it with someone will grow and increase. And, what you have left after you withhold it from someone will decrease and diminish.

Now, here is what happens when things start leaving our possession. It really doesn't matter if they are tangible or intangible. Anytime we experience something going away that we've had for awhile we feel rejected and deprived.

Just Gets My Goat!

Then we try to stoprepparttar flow outward, assuming it was something tangible, which just translates into protecting and withholding what we have left. And,repparttar 123569 more we guard overrepparttar 123570 things we're trying to protect,repparttar 123571 more we see them decrease.

Onrepparttar 123572 other side, when we start looking for ways to show our appreciation for what we have left,repparttar 123573 morerepparttar 123574 increase starts coming back. This is primarilyrepparttar 123575 reason that human nature goes exactly oppositerepparttar 123576 laws ofrepparttar 123577 universe. Even common sense says; if something is flowing out, then we are diminishing. If something is coming in, then we are increasing.

Every fiber of our being starts screaming, "Dam uprepparttar 123578 flow". Stoprepparttar 123579 outflow; whenrepparttar 123580 whole design ofrepparttar 123581 universe was to return "after" we give. Give a frown, get a frown. Give a smile, get a smile.

A Blessing In Disguise! So, even though we by nature, do all we can to stoprepparttar 123582 outgo, it nevertheless, isrepparttar 123583 universe's way of bringing back to us. I know it sounds crazy, don't look at me like that; I don't like it either.

Now, no matter how seriousrepparttar 123584 loss, it takes a magnificent obsession to look for a way to continue giving, of that which is desirable and withholding of that which is undesirable. Human nature just says, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

You may have lostrepparttar 123585 dearest possession that God had ever given you. And, if so, I am sure that you now have an empathy and compassion, with a much clearer understanding, ofrepparttar 123586 problems of others in that same situation.

More Power To You!

You are in a perfect position to use your empathy to reach out to someone else and share what you've learned. That's whenrepparttar 123587 power of your magnificent obsession goes into gear and return and increase come showering back.

Richard Vegas © Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com

Richard Vegas is a Popular Recording Artist and Internet Marketing Professional running his two full-time businesses from home. He specializes in teaching people how to discover their passion and make money from it on the internet. Richard publishes a Free weekly ezine, "Wing-Tips The Success System". He has recorded two albums and weekly keeps in touch by email with hundreds of fans and customers

Belief Is Essential For Success

Written by Gordon Bryan

Continued from page 1

Withoutrepparttar two cast-iron beliefs firmly in place, you will not see your plans through, you won't go that extra mile, you won't be prepared to payrepparttar 123568 price.

You ARE worth it! You, me, all of us, we are individuals making our own way thrurepparttar 123569 journey of life.

Each of us is a worthy person, and fully deserves to enjoy life, whatever that may mean to each of us.

As one of your affirmations, tell yourself that you are a strong and worthy person, and your 2 beliefs will be nicely in place to support your efforts allrepparttar 123570 way.

You will *know* that you are worthy ofrepparttar 123571 success, and you will *know* you haverepparttar 123572 strength to overcome any hurdles.

************************************************* Gordon Bryan is a marketer fromrepparttar 123573 UK and writes The Great Gordino Newsletter, a free resource focusing on self improvement, goal achievement and wealth creation. You can sign up free at: www.gordonbryan.com **********************************************

Gordon Bryan writes The Great Gordino Newsletter, focusing on self improvement, goal achievement and wealth creation.

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