A Life of Adventure?

Written by Mark Cole

Continued from page 1

From there, Halliburton went aroundrepparttar world and began his life of adventure and discovery. Incidentally, he managed to rescue Irving who accompanied him at least inrepparttar 141791 early stages ofrepparttar 141792 trip.

Like other great men ofrepparttar 141793 past, Halliburton had that wonderful gift of merging his real life experience withrepparttar 141794 vicarious life experiences he obtained through his vast reading. A voracious reader fromrepparttar 141795 time he was very young, Halliburton knew his history and his geography. For him these were living, breathing subjects and a vital part of his life. For him – as it should be for us – history is alive and eternal and speaks to us now with all its epic heroes, romance. This makes him much more than a casual tourist:

“The Taj Mahal had been deified in my mind ever since that childhood day when I had first looked upon an oil painting ofrepparttar 141796 fairy tomb and readrepparttar 141797 immortal story of its creation. It had always been a dream castle to me, something so fabulous it could not have dimensions and weight and location; something so lovely it could not exist outside of picture-books. Poring for hours at a time over these very books I had come to revere this building above all others….All my adventures in India up to this time I had known to be only preludes torepparttar 141798 great final adventure—the actual sight and touch ofrepparttar 141799 Taj.”

Similarly, in The Flying Carpet, as Halliburton enters Jerusalem, he setsrepparttar 141800 stage by recounting much ofrepparttar 141801 Old Testament Biblical drama surroundingrepparttar 141802 city. He invokesrepparttar 141803 New Testament as he wandersrepparttar 141804 shores ofrepparttar 141805 Sea of Galilee, and cites verse of Byron and Browning when he goes swimming inrepparttar 141806 Grand Canal in Venice. This is obviously a man who knew how to read. He read, but more than that, he saw himself as a participant in history – or at least an observer, a close observer – ofrepparttar 141807 continual drama of history which is still going on today.

History, friends, need not berepparttar 141808 same topic you were punished with in school and which you learned to dread. History isrepparttar 141809 study of life itself. If you hate life, then you will hate history. But if you still have a pulse, then you simply must partake of history – because history is still going on. So…what isrepparttar 141810 point of all this? What doesrepparttar 141811 life of Halliburton mean for us today?

Surely it means, atrepparttar 141812 minimum, thatrepparttar 141813 world is still worth seeing. It was worth seeing inrepparttar 141814 last century when Halliburton lived, and will be worth seeing next century as well, because nothing, not technology, not urbanization, notrepparttar 141815 internet, not jet airplanes, can quellrepparttar 141816 fascinating saga of human beings, of people, of cultures and civilizations,repparttar 141817 ongoing conversation of past, present, future.

Butrepparttar 141818 deeper and more universally applicable point is this: life is worth living. Travel may not be your deal. Fair enough. Travel is just one aspect of a life well-lived. The point is for you to determine what you find beautiful, joyous, romantic, inspiring. And then start doing more of that and less ofrepparttar 141819 other stuff.

What turns you on, excites and energizes you? What is it that keeps you from degenerating into a gray mass of nothing? What will stop you from squandering tomorrow? Isn’t it high time that you stoppedrepparttar 141820 bland, monotonous quest for mere riches and respectability? Isn’t it time to live up to your secret lament thatrepparttar 141821 things you dreamed of when you were young aren’t exactly panning out?

Some day, you are going to die. You can’t change that. But before you die, you might as well live.

“Live! Liverepparttar 141822 wonderful life that is in you. Be afraid of nothing. There is such a little time…”

Richard Halliburton, The Royal Road to Romance, chapter 1.

Mark Cole is an attorney living in Magnolia, Texas. His web site, Conversations From the Past, helps men to start to live lives of authentic masculinity by drawing on the life force of the great men of the past. If you – or a man you know – is serious about getting out of a rut, then visit http://www.conversationsfromthepast.com today.

The Outside Counts, Too

Written by Debbie O'Meara

Continued from page 1

Ella Wheeler Wilcox writes in “The Heart ofrepparttar New Thought”:

No matter if you need your frayed-out garments – do not keep them. Your thoughts of trouble and poverty have impregnated them so that you will continue to producerepparttar 141737 same despondent mind stuff while you wear these garments.

What does wearing those old clothes do to us? It tellsrepparttar 141738 rest ofrepparttar 141739 world that we’re old-clothes kind of people, not prosperous people. That we’re stuck in our old situation and not moving on.

Maybe worse, we send ourselvesrepparttar 141740 same message. We hold onto them because we think we can’t afford anything better. But every time we put them on we remind ourselves that we don’t truly believe we can do any better. We continually reinforce that message.

Sure, we’re saving a little. But is our goal to save money, or make more? We can findrepparttar 141741 balance between being spendthrifts and cheating ourselves. “Penny-wise and pound-foolish,”repparttar 141742 saying goes. What we look like reflects our belief in ourselves. Visual impressions are significant, and not just for their effects on others. We believe what we see inrepparttar 141743 mirror.

The good news: much of what we see, we control. Take responsibility forrepparttar 141744 message you send to yourself, not just in words, but in what you allow yourself to see.

Debbie O'Meara is the owner of Lightrae Publishing, your source for abundance and prosperity resources around the Web. Visit http://www.lightrae.com for Charles Fillmore's book Prosperity, as well as Lightrae's free newsletter and free ebook. Please use and distribute this article in its entirety, including the byline and link to Lightrae Publishing.

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