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Copy The advertising copy of your web site can be likened to amenities of your car. Your car has a stereo, cup holders and convenient storage space to address your wants and needs as you drive. The copy of your web site should do same thing. To maximize marketing function of your web site’s copy make sure it focuses on problems, wants and concerns of your clients. Your visitors will be more likely to identify you as solution to their problem if you demonstrate to them that you understand their needs.
Require Action Just like your car requires you to step on gas to make it go, your web site requires your visitors to take action you want them to take in order to function as an effective marketing tool. No one has to tell you to step on gas. Your visitors need to be told what to do. Tell them to “buy now” or “request our catalog”. If you don’t they might ever know that’s what they’re supposed to do.
Get Contact Info Getting contact information from you visitors is like remembering keys to your car. If you can’t get into you car and start it, you’re not going anywhere. Likewise, if you don’t learn who your prospects are you can’t continue marketing to them. Most people who visit your web site will not buy from you first time they stop by. In most cases, it takes between six and eight marketing contacts with a prospect before they choose to purchase something. Your prospects are no different. If you acquire their contact information you will be able to repeatedly market to them.
Take steps you need to maintain your web site and it will run smoothly and get you where you want to go.
The author, Jeremy Cohen, helps small business owners and professional service providers attract more clients and be more successful by helping them deliver a web site that sells and improve their marketing materials to generate more interest in their products and services. Get his free marketing guide, Jumpstart Marketing: More Profits, Clients and Success: