A Heart That Survived, My Personal Trial

Written by winston williams

Continued from page 1

The prognosis, plaque build up inrepparttar blood vessels leading torepparttar 115212 heart. The heart is strong and in good condition.

Here I am 10 months later with a triple by-pass inside my chest, having completed Cardiac Rehabilitation, and wondering "how did I allow some- thing like this to happen.

Reality Check Looking back, I assumed I had done a good job of caring for my health. ...one meal a day, regular exercise, life time non-smoker, moderate use of alcohol, no drug use, and no weight problems. It was all beyond my understanding.

Finally it dawned on me, I had done everything right with one excepttion, I failed at montoringrepparttar 115213 type of food I ate.

The High Cost Of Health Needless to say my medical cost and hospital bills were staggering to sayrepparttar 115214 least.

I've gone from two prscription drugs a day to six (6) prescription drugs and two supplements. However,repparttar 115215 cost of my medications is WAY DOWN, thanks to an ONLINE PHARMACY. It keeps me from going broke on my prescription drugs.

A Few Do's And Don'ts For Your Health ...Do have your physical examinations done regularly. ...Do take your prescription drugs and supplements as required. ...Do listen to your Doctor

The Moral is: Don't Take Your Health For Granted.

Regular exercise, and taking your medication isrepparttar 115216 first line of defense and wins hands down everytime.

This article written by winston williams +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author:winston williams has helped many consumers of prescription drugs find affordable FDA Approved medications without charge. "Discount Prescription Drugs For The Frugal Consumer" Visit:http://www.prescription-drugs-plus.com contact me Mailto:winston@prescription-drugs-plus.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

A retired Merchant Captain, and now internet marketer, with several websites after two years on the net. His background is in Marine Transportation. Married with three children. Enjoys the ocean.


Written by Patty Avey

Continued from page 1

But be of good cheer, candles can still be enjoyed without concern for toxic elements. Candles made from beeswax or soy provide a healthy alternative to potentially harmful candles made from paraffin. Beeswax does not produce toxins or soot when burned. Soy is a new substance used inrepparttar manufacturing of candles withrepparttar 115211 benefits of clean burning with little soot, made from a renewable resource, and uses no petroleum products. Soy candles are also available in many wonderful scents. Also, look for aromatherapy candles that are scented with real essential oils. Read labels carefully on candles before purchasing or askrepparttar 115212 sales clerk for information onrepparttar 115213 ingredients. Unfortunately, candle manufacturers are not required to list hazardous, toxic or carcinogenic compounds used in their ingredients but you can callrepparttar 115214 manufacturer with your questions ifrepparttar 115215 label is unclear.


- candles made with beeswax or wax with vegetable derivatives, with no animal products

- candles that burn with zinc-core or cotton wicks - NOT LEAD

- check to see if candles are authentically aromatic


- Always keep a burning candle within sight - Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. - Keep candles out of reach of children and pets. - Trim wicks to ¼ inch prior to each use - Keep candles away from drafts and vents. - Always use an appropriate candleholder placed on a stable, heat resistant surface - Never touch or move a votive or container candle whenrepparttar 115216 wax is liquid


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