Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1
Some like it hot! Adjust that hot sauce to your liking. ************************* Lazy Beans - 4 slices bacon, cut into small pieces, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 2 1-lb. cans pork and beans, 2 tbs. brown sugar, 1-1/2 tbs. Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp. prepared mustard Cook bacon until crisp and drain. Reserve 1-1/2 tbs. ofrepparttar drippings. Crumble bacon. Cook onion inrepparttar 111569 reserved drippings until tender but not brown. Add to remaining ingredients, blending well. Place in casserole. Bake uncovered on grill with hood down for 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Enjoyrepparttar 111570 outdoors while these beans are slowly simmering on your grill. ************************* OUT ON THE RANGE BEANS 1 32-oz. can baked beans, 1 cup beer, 1/2 cup very strong brewed coffee, 3/4 cup chopped onion, 12 cup chopped tomato, 4 hot dogs, cut into 1/2” pieces, 1 tbs. horseradish, 1/2 cup molasses, 1/2 cup barbecue sauce Blend all ingredients together. Place in oven-proof casserole. Bake at 300 for approximately 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Add additional beer if beans seem to be drying out. Great served at a campsite with all your other camping food. **************************** QUICK BEANS 4 cans (16 ozs. each) baked beans, drained, 1-1/2 onion, chopped very fine, 1 lb. bacon, diced, cooked, and drained, 1 bottle (12 ozs.) chili sauce, 2 cups packed brown sugar Combine allrepparttar 111571 ingredients. Blend well and place in beanpot or casserole dish. Bake, uncovered, (350) for 1 hour. There’s nothing wrong with “quick” on a hot summer day. *************************** SLOW COOKER BEANS 1 can (16 ozs.) dark kidney beans, drained and rinsed, 1 can (16 ozs.) light kidney beans, drained and rinsed, 1 can (16 ozs.) pinto beans, drained and rinsed, 1 (15 ozs.) can unsalted diced tomatoes, 2 green peppers, cut into strips, 1 onion, chopped, 1 tsp. oregano leaves, crushed, 1/2 tsp. ground cumin, 1 tsp. sage, 1/2 tsp. black pepper, water Combine allrepparttar 111572 ingredients in a slow cooker. Add water to coverrepparttar 111573 beans. Cook on HIGH for 6-7 hours. No heating uprepparttar 111574 kitchen - let your slow cooker do allrepparttar 111575 work. **************************** Baked beans are a welcome addition to any outdoor meal. Serve them and see allrepparttar 111576 faces light up. Beans are a treat and healthy! Now that’s quite a bargain. ENJOY ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 June

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, motivational booklets, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES Websites: http://www.arleenssite.com http://www.Arleens-RusticLiving.com http://www.webspawner.com/users/rusticliving/ http://topica.com/lists/simpleliving

Ten Tips to Organize Your Bathroom

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

7. Make space for a small, lidless hamper or laundry basket. Otherwise, have a system for depositing used towels inrepparttar laundry room.

8. Use hooks instead of towel racks for kids. They'll be more likely to use them. Have as many hooks and/or towel racks as you have persons usingrepparttar 111568 bathroom.

9. Make a checklist of all products in your bathroom as well as those used by each individual. Review weekly before shopping.

10. Explorerepparttar 111569 variety of storage options you can use inrepparttar 111570 bath. Small countertop drawers can organize cotton balls and Q-Tips. Cutlery trays in drawers, plastic shelves underrepparttar 111571 sink, caddies which attach to doors, and rolling carts can all containrepparttar 111572 clutter that so often accumulates in this much-used room.

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and speaker. Free tips booklet and e-zine to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit http://www.ineedmoretime.com

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