Written by Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes

Continued from page 1

Asrepparttar day came to a close, our guests enjoyed an Indian summer sunset. We bundled sleepy children into cars and returned home with warm recollections of an afternoon shared with special friends.

Do you remember any games from Halloween parties of your childhood? Oftenrepparttar 110894 simplest activities createrepparttar 110895 memories that last a lifetime. This fall, host your own family party.

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Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes are the co-authors of the award-winning book Together: Creating Family Traditions. To check out their website that's jam packed with family ideas, visit http://www.togetherparenting.com To subscribe to their online newsletter, go to http://www.togetherparenting.com/feedback.asp

Spare Your Kids To 7 Most Distressful Divorce Parenting Situations

Written by Ruben Francia

Continued from page 1

Do not make your children a spy inrepparttar other parent's home. It is very difficult for a child of divorced parents to cope with feeling "caught inrepparttar 110893 middle". If they want to tell you about time spent with their other parent (and they usually don't), listen closely and politely, and then stop. If they don't volunteer any information, try simply, "Have a good time? Good."

Encourage your children to love both parents. They must not be burdened with having to align with one parent's anger againstrepparttar 110894 other.

5. Taking Sides

Your child wants to love both of his or her parents. Asking your child to take your side in any situation regarding your ex-spouse can create a tremendous amount of stress for your child.

Avoid putting children inrepparttar 110895 position of having to take sides. Allow your children to continue to love both parents without being made to feel guilty or disloyal.

6. Dealing With Parent's Feeling

Complaining to your child about how lonely you are afterrepparttar 110896 separation makes a child feel guilty and sad and want to "parent" you. It's not healthy for them to be consumed with worry for their parents' ability to survive.

Let your child be a child. They needrepparttar 110897 freedom to be children. It's easy, but wrong, to make your adolescent child, or even your adult child, a confidant in dealing with your recovery, your dating life, or your fears. Even if children seem capable of handling these concerns without ill effects, they rarely are.

7. Threatening To Cut Off Contact With The Children If The Other Parent Doesn't Do Or Stop Doing Something

The kids hear these threats and fear more loss in their lives. Such conduct hurts your kids and must not be continued.

Recognize that for your child to haverepparttar 110898 best chance of growing up to be a functional human male or female, he/she will need both parents as role models and nurturers. This means that there should be some pathway of getting through torepparttar 110899 child whatever good that parent has to offer.

Anything that puts a child inrepparttar 110900 middle of dispute is unhealthy, and causesrepparttar 110901 most problems for divorcing families. If parents don't work issues through, those issues have a huge effect on their kids.

It can be hard to do, but parents can improve a situation by recognizing their divorce is from each other, notrepparttar 110902 children. Kids need to see that even though their parents might not love each other, they are committed to staying connected because of their responsibilities as parents. At time, this may seem absolutely impossible, becauserepparttar 110903 parents can't toleraterepparttar 110904 idea of being connected. Yetrepparttar 110905 child needs both of them, psychologically if not in reality.

Copyright by Ruben Francia. All Rights Reserved.

Publishing Rights: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 110906 author bylines are included.

Ruben Francia is an author of an indispensable divorce parenting guide ebook, entitled "101 Ways To Raise Your 'Divorced' Children To Success". Discover the ways to raising healthy, happy and successful children even if you're on divorced. Visit his web site at http://www.101divorceparenting.com

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