A Free Excerpt from the Children's Book-- Mysterious Chills and Thrills

Written by Laura Hickey

Continued from page 1

"What? What do you mean who am I... I’m your daughter!"

"I’m not your mother. I don’t even have children," Tina quickly ran up to her room and closed her eyes once she landed on her bed.

This isn’t happening, Tina thought to herself. There has to be a reasonable answer for all of this. She closed her eyes. The words ‘go back’ appeared in front ofrepparttar dark space of her eyelids. She quickly fluttered her eyes open and bolted up from laying down. She ran out of her room and rushed downrepparttar 109855 stairs. The woman who was her mother before, looked blankly at her. Once she was outside, she could hearrepparttar 109856 mushy, misty grass squish underneath her shoes. The air was cooler now and braced her face with every step she took. She wasn’t sure why she was rushing back...she didn’t know what she was going to do when she got there. It felt like a force was behind her, giving her that extra step to continue going. She kept looking atrepparttar 109857 ground as she ran, she knew she was going have to look up. She could feelrepparttar 109858 strange calm beginning to take over. The air was colder,repparttar 109859 sky was even darker, she could smellrepparttar 109860 filthy beast. It was an odor so strong, it could paralyze anyone in their tracks. Tina banged intorepparttar 109861 doors with all her might, after a few tries...she got intorepparttar 109862 old farmhouse.

Tools were flying, doors were smashing againstrepparttar 109863 walls into tiny pieces. It could make anyone’s ear drums split. She felt a chilly hand grasp around her arm, she jerked away. The monster was standing right in front of her...she looked all around and couldn’t see her brother anywhere.

"Shawn?" Where was he... "Shawn!" He was no where to be seen. She ran fromrepparttar 109864 hideous creature trying to catch her. Out ofrepparttar 109865 corner of her eye, she saw her brother’s hand. "Shawn...run!!!"

"I can’t, I’m stuck!" he screamed back. Tina ran over to him, trying to un tangle his legs fromrepparttar 109866 rope,repparttar 109867 knot was in too tight. The beast came behind her and slammed her body against a wall ofrepparttar 109868 farmhouse. She tried to run once she fell, but her legs were in too much pain. The beast came up to her again and this time threw her acrossrepparttar 109869 farmhouse. Her back blisteredrepparttar 109870 wall and her vision went black. All she could hear wasrepparttar 109871 faint sounds of her brother crying for her to get up. She opened her eyes and saw her brother looking down at her fuzzy. He looked like he had possessed eyes. She tried to open her eyes more, but it felt like they were stitched shut. Her body felt numb and her mind felt like it was continually spinning aroundrepparttar 109872 room.

"Shawn?" she asked quietly but received no response.

She tried to look over and saw herself laying in a bed. "Wake up!" she screamed. But her body laid lifeless in her room. She looked over at her clock and knew within a minute her alarm would go off.

"Wake up, it’s 7:00 AM and you’re listening to Document Jazz," spokerepparttar 109873 radio.

"It was a dream?" she asked herself. She ripped offrepparttar 109874 sheets and bolted downrepparttar 109875 stairs. There was Shawn eating breakfast while her mother was loadingrepparttar 109876 dishwasher. She quickly walked over to her brother. "Good morning, my dear brother."

"What’s gotten into you?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," It was all just a bad dream that left her body cringing in fear.

*Readrepparttar 109877 brand new ending to this story only on Laura Hickey's official homepage: http://www.laurahickey.com

Laura Hickey is author of many free articles and the children's book- Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids. Read reviews, news, bio and more @ http://www.laurahickey.com

Are iPods Changing the Way We Listen to Music?

Written by Spencer Anderson

Continued from page 1

Apart fromrepparttar possibility of our entire collections being with us at all times,repparttar 109854 iPod’s capabilities have done something even better. By being able to store over 700 albums,repparttar 109855 iPod is encouraging us to try types of music we might not have listened to before. When burning a CD to an iPod takes a short few minutes, what’s there to lose?

But is it all just a trend? Doubtful, especially with people spending on average 100 pounds on iPod accessories. It’s difficult to picture something people now say they can’t live without vanishing, unless Apple CEO Steve Jobs finds another way to outdo himself yet again. And on that note now Apple has come out withrepparttar 109856 smaller, cheaper version ofrepparttar 109857 iPod calledrepparttar 109858 iPod shuffle. Will it haverepparttar 109859 same impact as its predecessor? Only time will tell.

Spencer Anderson

This article, written by Spencer Anderson, was first published at MusicShopper.info - a great resource for music lovers. Providing information and resources about music shopping, it also has an extensive range of music reviews, music competitions and giveaways, and a popular discussion forum. It is also an important music reference source with a music website directory of more then 1,000 hand-picked sites listed. MusicShopper forum and newsletters subscribers are entered into monthly draws for Amazon voucher.


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