A Delicious Look at Cuban Food

Written by Merrie Schonbach

Continued from page 1

Even meats can be purchased, Goya Chorizos (sausages), Pamplona Mussels in Brine, Pamplona Octopus in Oil and Sauce. For dessert, there is Goya Flan, Majarete and Tembleque . Enjoy a variety of Gilda and La Estrella crackers and cookies with a cup of your favorite coffee or tea.

Declare an International Food night and includerepparttar Cuban dish below.

Spanish Sausage and Peppers 1 Goya Chorizo Sausage Olive Oil 1 Pepper (Your choice of sweet, red, cayenne, chili, etc.) Sherry vinegar Fresh parsley, roughly chopped Chop sausage into bite size chunks. Put olive oil into a frying pan and fry sausage on high heat. Letrepparttar 111257 fat fromrepparttar 111258 sausage come out intorepparttar 111259 oil. Cutrepparttar 111260 pepper into bite size squares. Turnrepparttar 111261 sausage and addrepparttar 111262 pepper torepparttar 111263 pan. Add a splash of vinegar andrepparttar 111264 parsley and then mix everything. Skewer pieces of sausage and pepper with toothpicks and put onto a warm plate and serve.

This article was written for the Cuban Food Guy at http://www.cubanfoodguy.com, enjoy a delightful variety of Cuban foods ready to deliver to your door. Author: Merrie Schonbach http://merriesintent.com

Where Will YOUR Kids Get A Job?

Written by Murdo Macleod

Continued from page 1

It also develops other important skills like concentration and creativity.

So get your kids intorepparttar habit of solving problems every day.

Their exam skills will develop naturally, plus they'll be able to solve problems more easily inrepparttar 111256 real world outside ofrepparttar 111257 exam hall.

#3. Encouragerepparttar 111258 study habit

Who hasn't tried to cram themselves full of informationrepparttar 111259 night before an important exam?

Unfortunately, that's doing itrepparttar 111260 hard way.

"A little, often" works much better.

Ensure your kids set aside at least 20 minutes a day for peaceful study. Every day.

After a few sessions of enjoyable learning, you'll find they actually look forward to their study period.

#4. Learn exam technique

Studying for exams includes studying exams.

Get hold of some past examination papers - you can buy these cheaply in most bookstores - and have your kids studyrepparttar 111261 questions.

Exams have a consistent formula, and once you knowrepparttar 111262 formula, you're halfway to success.

Familiarity also instills confidence - an important quality when it comes to facing a real exam situation.

#5. Pay for performance

If all else fails, or your kids are having trouble getting motivated towards a forthcoming exam, try offering them an "incentive".

(Well they have to learn about "performance-related pay" someday.)

You'd be surprised how a little motivation can improve exam results!

Whichever way you do it, try to help your kids getrepparttar 111263 best grades they can.

"Qualifications doth not a person make."

But they certainly help when it's time to earn a living.


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