A Comparative Study of 2 Strategies namely Concept Mapping & Lecture Method on learning Concepts of Nobel Prize in Physics

Written by Dr.G.Kumuda

Continued from page 1

The Gain Score of Concept Mapping Method is given by GC = CPO - CPR where GC is gain score of Concept Mapping Method CPO is post-test score of Concept Mapping Method CPR is pre-test score of Concept Mapping Method

Analysis of Critical Ratios

Critical Ratios were calculated to testrepparttar significance of difference betweenrepparttar 109425 pre-test and post-test scores in Lecture Method and Concept Mapping Method.

Critical Ratio betweenrepparttar 109426 pre-test and post-test scores in Lecture Method

The Critical Ratio calculated in respect of pre-test and post-test scores of Control Group taught by Lecture Method is given in Table 2.

Table 2

Test MeanS.D.?t? value L.S.

Pretest 8.151.27610.49 P<0.01

Posttest 14.952.519

Where L.S stand for Level of Significance.

The results of Table 2 indicate that there is significant difference betweenrepparttar 109427 post-test and pre-test scores of students of Control Group taught by Lecture Method. Sincerepparttar 109428 post-test score is greater thanrepparttar 109429 pre-test score we can conclude thatrepparttar 109430 performance of students is significantly higher than their performance in pre-test.

Critical Ratio betweenrepparttar 109431 pre-test and post-test scores in Concept Mapping Method

The Critical Ratio calculated in respect of pre-test scores of Experimental Group taught by Concept Mapping Method is given in Table 3.

Table 3

TestMeanS.D.?t? value L.S

Pretest9.40.8 19.60 P<0.01

Posttest 19.72.147

The results of Table 3 indicate that there is significant difference betweenrepparttar 109432 post-test and pre-test scores of students of Experimental Group taught by Concept Mapping Method. Sincerepparttar 109433 post-test score is greater thanrepparttar 109434 pre-test score, we can conclude thatrepparttar 109435 performance of students in post-test is significantly higher than their performance in pre-test.

Analysis of Gain Scores

The Critical Ratio calculated in respect of Gain Scores of two groups subjected to two different methods of teaching is presented in Table 4

Table 4

GroupsMeanS.D.?t? value L.S



where L.M. stand for Lecture Method C.M.M. stand for Concept Mapping Method

The results indicate that there is significant difference betweenrepparttar 109436 gain scores of two groups namely Lecture Method and Concept Mapping Method. Sincerepparttar 109437 gain score of Concept Mapping Method is significantly greater thanrepparttar 109438 gain score of Lecture Method it may be concluded that teaching through Concept Mapping strategy has helped students inrepparttar 109439 Experimental Group to achieve high scores inrepparttar 109440 test.

Coefficient of Correlation 'r' betweenrepparttar 109441 gain scores of Lecture Method and Science Attitude Scale

The product moment coefficient of correlation 'r' calculated in respect of gain scores of Lecture Method and Science Attitude Scale (SAS) scores is given in Table 5.

Table 5

Scores MeanS.D. r G.S.L.M.6.81.3640.9181

SAS Score5.85.598

where G.S.L.M. stand for Gain Score of Lecture Method

The high value of positive correlation indicate that Science Attitude and performance of students are positively correlated. That is, students with better attitude in science score better marks in science.

Coefficient of correlation r betweenrepparttar 109442 gain scores of Concept Mapping Method and Science Attitude Scale

The product moment coefficient of correlation r calculated in respect of gain scores of Concept Mapping Method and Science Attitude Scale is given in Table 6

Table 6

Scores Mean S.D. r

C.M.M. 10.3 1.7920.8049

SASScore 66.4 3.904


C.M.M. stand for Concept Mapping Method

The high value of r indicate that Science Attitude and performance of students are positively correlated. That is students with better attitude in science score better marks in science.

The findings ofrepparttar 109443 study

1.The gain scores of students taught through Concept Mapping Method is significantly higher thanrepparttar 109444 gain score of students taught through Lecture Method.

2.The students with better attitudes in Science have scored better marks in their Achievement Test in Control Group taught by Lecture Method

3.The students with better attitudes in Science have scored better marks in their Achievement Test in Experimental Group taught by Concept Mapping Method

4.It was observed thatrepparttar 109445 time factor involved in teaching / learning through Concept Mapping Method was less thanrepparttar 109446 time taken for Lecture Method. Hence considerable time could be saved apart from enhancing teaching / learning through Concept Mapping Method.



Garrett. Henry E & R.S. Woodworth, (1979). Statistics in Psychology and Education. Hyderabad : International Book Bureau

Novak, Joseph D & D.Bob Gowin (1984) Learning How to Learn. England : Cambridge University Press.

Semiconductor Heterostructures, IC Win Nobel. Press release ofrepparttar 109447 Hindu, Oct 19, 2000



The author is a science educationalist as she has done M.Sc. in Physics and Ph.D. in Science Education. She is a gold medalist as she has obtained I Rank during M.Phil (Education) of University of Madras and is a First Prize Winner of the BOLT (Broad Outlook Learner Teacher) Award organized by Air India, The Hindu & Dina Malar and is teaching Physics for Higher Secondary classes in Chennai, India.

The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs

Written by Brian L. Pruitt

Continued from page 1
Looking back, years ago, when I first began to learn to fly an airplane it was evident that it wasrepparttar support I received that allowed me to reach that dream from within. Although my dreams, visions, and goals have now changed direction, it was a learning process that will be with me forever. My first solo,repparttar 109424 completion of my private pilots license, my first flying job, thenrepparttar 109425 achievement of flyingrepparttar 109426 fastest corporate jet inrepparttar 109427 world. Yes, all these feats alongrepparttar 109428 way have been learning processes that will allow me to take my achievements and experiences within aviation and apply it to my various business endeavors. So, I encourage each and everyone who reads this article to be a leader and mentor to those around you. Whether it be a child, teenager or adult, each and every one of us hasrepparttar 109429 ability to reach out and touch a life that is around us. Be a mentor, a teacher, and a friend. Keep Reaching, Keep Dreaming! Webmasters & Ezine Publishers: Free Content - Pre-Licensed To You... You are invited to use this article in your publication or website. The only stipulation is that you includerepparttar 109430 following information attached to each article used.  Article by Brian L. Pruitt. Visit http://www.gatewaytocreatingwealth.com for FREE articles, "Wealth Building", information, books, and much, much, more.


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