A Cold, Hard Look At Why E-zine Advertising...Doesn't Work!

Written by Dave Cole

Continued from page 1

A 50,000 base e-zine may have 10,000 of those which are undeliverable.

Here's another way some e-zines gain big subscriber numbers, quickly and un-professionally. The editor will get some FFA or Links Pages accounts. Then when a person posts to their page, they will be automatically subscribed torepparttar e-zine.

Some editors will say this in their confirmation messages to repparttar 100957 post, others will simply add your address to their mailing list.

But since folks almost always use submission software and never read these confirmation notices, they don't realize what happened. And again, these subscriptions are all going to trash accounts so no one ever reads them anyway.

All that really happens isrepparttar 100958 e-zines numbers go up andrepparttar 100959 editor's credibility goes down.

So be careful when placing e-zine advertising.

Before you buy advertising, write and askrepparttar 100960 editor a couple of things.

1. Are ALL their subscribers opt-in addresses..... meaning dorepparttar 100961 editors have an actual subscription request on file.

2. What isrepparttar 100962 e-zines un-deliverable rate?

3. What is their un-subscribe rate?

I mean folks, why buy advertising if all your ad is going to be sent to is trash accounts or undeliverable addresses or to newsletters that no one wants to read?

Fortunately there are a lot of quality e-zines out there with editors who take excellent care of who is on their list and who isn't.

For instance, Prosperity has over 30,000 readers. Every single one of them has opted in to our list and we have a subscription notice for every single address.

Also, if an address has 3 undeliverables in a row, it is dropped off our list permanently. We allow three grace mailings cause some folks go on vacation or forget to check their mail, or things come up in their lives.

But 3 in a row, and you're gone. That gives us an undeliverable rate of less than 1%. And it's usually between 0.03 and 0.04%...less than one half of one percent.

And folks, I will tell you this, there are very few e-zines out there that can claim that low of an undeliverable rate.

We also have an exceptionally low un-subscribe rate of only about 5 out of a thousand.

We are quite proud ofrepparttar 100963 fact that all our readers are such high quality readers.

We want to thank all our readers for being such quality folks. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Dave's E-zine provides you with valuable info on how to market your online business and how to make money online. Get your FREE subscription today. http://choosetoprosper.com

How Original Should Your Headlines and Slogans Be?

Written by Lisa Lake

Continued from page 1

Mail-order copywriter John Tighe points out, "We are not inrepparttar business of being original. We are inrepparttar 100956 business of reusing things that work."

Advertisers and marketers follow certain rules and reuse old standbys, not because they can't come up with anything original, but because old standards continue to prove effective in thousands of letters, brochures, ads, and commercials.

Now, that doesn't mean that you should just copy what someone else did word for word. In creating your own advertising copy,repparttar 100957 challenge you face is to take what has worked inrepparttar 100958 past and incorporate it into your campaign in a way that is compelling, memorable, and persuasive.

Your first and most important priority in creating advertising headlines, slogans, and copy is to sell, not to exercise your creative genius. But if you can do both atrepparttar 100959 same time, then you will have a powerful piece of advertising copy.

Lisa Lake has created a list of top promotional methods on her http://MyAdBlaster.com Lisa also writes ad copy that sells for DrNunley's http://InternetWriters.com Reach her at mailto:lisa@myadblaster.com or 801-328-9006.

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