A Clear View About the Nature of Home-based Internet Business

Written by Matthew Eigbe

Continued from page 1

Now you understand why a website that is not promoted is a waste of space. Now, perhaps, you understand that success onrepparttar Internet takes work, lots of it, at least until enough people know about you and your business and can find you throughrepparttar 100475 search engines.

Why am I being so negative? Because if you arerepparttar 100476 sort of person who cannot takerepparttar 100477 heat inrepparttar 100478 kitchen, I want you to get out of it before you get burned.

To some extent,repparttar 100479 hypesters are right: making money onrepparttar 100480 Internet is easy. But there are no true get-rich-quick schemes (except forrepparttar 100481 hipsters if you fall for their talk).

The Internet is a communications medium. It is a way to get messages across to others (once they have found your message). But since they cannot see your eyeballs or read your facial expressions or body language, you have to win their trust in other ways (just as I hope to win yours).

Internet presence is about trust

The Internet is not like a store in a mall, and if you want to be successful with it, you cannot treat itrepparttar 100482 same way. Let me make a point: apart from things like e-mails, chats and games, why do you sign ontorepparttar 100483 Internet? Isn't it mostly for information? Now, assuming price is not a factor, why do you buy from one merchant and not another? Because ofrepparttar 100484 guarantee or because you readrepparttar 100485 endorsements about their service?

The Internet, more than in a store inrepparttar 100486 mall where you can seerepparttar 100487 seller's face, is about trust. And you gain that trust by providing honest, reliable information.

You can haverepparttar 100488 greatest product since sliced bread, but it will rarely sell itself onrepparttar 100489 Internet. Your work, should you choose to accept it, will be to get your product noticed and to get yourself trusted. That isrepparttar 100490 nature ofrepparttar 100491 Internet, whether it is used for a home-based business or by a giant corporation. ===========================================================

Do you want to earn multiple income streams? Matthew Eigbe is a netmarketer with several solid companies. Click here => http://www.iprofitsite.com to learn how to develop multiple income streams even from one home-based business opportunity.

**Attn. Ezine editors/Site owners** Feel free to reprint this article as a whole in your ezine or site provided you leave allrepparttar 100492 linksin place. Do not modifyrepparttar 100493 content and do includerepparttar 100494 resource box as listed above.

Matthew Eigbe has over 20 years offline marketing experience. Online he is a netmarketer. His site encourages people to set up multiple income streams.

Top Ten Things You Would Never Hear a Coach Say (or then again…!)

Written by Martin Haworth

Continued from page 1

  • Well, You’ve Wastedrepparttar Last 20 Years of your Life then Haven’t You…

    Spotrepparttar 100474 mistake here then? Everyone inrepparttar 100475 world has value, often untapped and often hidden under piles and piles of history and baggage. Your job is to help them rise above it – NOT to stick another six ofrepparttar 100476 best Samsonite’s onrepparttar 100477 top!

  • Excuse Me if I Just Check my E-mail While You’re Talking

    Ever done two things at once? Inrepparttar 100478 case of a coaching relationship, trust and focus are vital to buildrepparttar 100479 relationship. If you are doing something else when talking torepparttar 100480 client, you are not giving your full attention, whetherrepparttar 100481 discussion is onrepparttar 100482 phone or face to face. Make sure there are no interruptions or distractions.

  • I’m Not Interested in What’s Causingrepparttar 100483 Problem – Let’s Just Fix it Fast

    You could do this…but where will they come next time for a solution. Yes, to you. So when will this stop? When can you get on with your own job? When you takerepparttar 100484 time to build their ability to solve their own problems – that’s when. It requires questions and a ‘blame-free’ culture. And it requires a coaching style.

  • I’ll Tell You What Your Problem is…

    Go on then, do it. This takes a punch at what their weaknesses are and not their strengths. People already know where their weaknesses are, believe me. Coaches build on strengths and leverage them to cope with areas thatrepparttar 100485 client finds more challenging.

  • Can I Call You for a Date?

    Just for fun this one. But with a serious side. It is challenging to have a professional relationship and have other things on your mind. It is quite hard to be very objective if there are other distractions – so take care in this area. Though coaching in Starbucks would be my idea of bliss! Oh, yes - and according torepparttar 100486 International Coach Federation, quite understandably, it's unethical. The constructive way to use this is to takerepparttar 100487 opposite courses of action to those listed - then you will haverepparttar 100488 foundation of a valuable coaching relationship with your client, privately or in your workplace.

    © 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, www.coaching-businesses-to-success.com. (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - with a live link if you can).

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