A Business which Requires No Selling?

Written by Copyright 2003, John Calder

Continued from page 1

2. Do not be afraid to try.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt so eloquently toldrepparttar American people at his inaugural address on March 4, 1933, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

FDR was referring torepparttar 105228 economic chaos faced by America during repparttar 105229 Great Depression, which was underway as President Roosevelt came into office. Roosevelt hadrepparttar 105230 American economy on his mind as he uttered these famous words, urging Americans not to letrepparttar 105231 economy continue to be paralyzed byrepparttar 105232 public's fear ofrepparttar 105233 economic future of their country.

3. Acquire knowledge.

While it is helpful to acquire knowledge concerningrepparttar 105234 art of persuasion,repparttar 105235 knowledge that will be best acquired is knowledge of your product, service, competition and marketplace.

With knowledge comes confidence.

4. The fourth step to selling is to acquirerepparttar 105236 confidence that will be yours when you are comfortable inrepparttar 105237 knowledge you have acquired.

5. The fifth and final step in learningrepparttar 105238 selling process is to be likerepparttar 105239 toddler who is trying to learn how to persuade his parents to his wants.

You must spend time practicing your technique and trying to devise methods to improve upon your success rate. Try, try and try again. Once you realize that most professional sales people --- who live and breathe sales everyday --- do not close every sale, then you are free to fail yourself. It is only through failure that you learnrepparttar 105240 lessons you need to improve your sales and closing skills.


To findrepparttar 105241 business opportunity that is right for you, it is important to takerepparttar 105242 first step now --- to makerepparttar 105243 decision to learn how to sell --- and to understand thatrepparttar 105244 rest will come to you later.

You should find strength inrepparttar 105245 knowledge thatrepparttar 105246 art of persuasion is so easy that even a child can learn how to do it. Start your education today. It may berepparttar 105247 only thing standing between you and business success.

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

The Ezine DOT Net RSS feeds are available.

(You may reprint this article in full in your newsletter and/or web site)

Back It Up or Lose It

Written by Joann Javons

Continued from page 1

1) a Zip disk - You'll need a zip drive. 2) a CD - You'll need a CD burner. 3) a floppy disk- You'll need to consider this one carefully because a floppy does not hold much data. 4) an external hard drive - These are less expensive now than they used to be. 5) a secure, Web-based file storage service - These are online services where you can save your data. One example of an online service that does this is http://www.ibackup.com/.

Butrepparttar most important thing you'll need is a willingness to change your habits. Most people I know back up their data once per week, often on a Friday but many web owners and newsletter publishers do it daily. Given allrepparttar 105227 marketing, coaching, newsletter lists and allrepparttar 105228 software I download, daily back-up makes more sense for me.


I don't back up my emails folders to a CD but prefer using a program to do that. This nifty little program http://www.genie-soft.com works miracles with my email addresses and all email folders.


I know that backing-up your files seems like another addition to your busy schedule. But remember that you've worked hard to build your client or newsletter list ... and your practice. Take just a few minutes each week to protect that investment.

Joann Javons has a passion for helping others release their creative potential. She is the owner of http://www.peoplepoems.com and http://www.private-practice-marketing.com

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