A Brief Overview Of Colitis

Written by Kirsten Whittaker

Continued from page 1

The symptoms most commonly reported by sufferers of colitis are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. However, sufferers may also experience fatigue, weight loss, a suppressed appetite, bleeding fromrepparttar rectum and can become deficient in essential nutrients.

Diagnosing Colitis can be tricky due to its similarity to other IBDs. Therefore, a thorough physical exam and series of tests are usually required. Blood tests are carried out to help identify anemia, or high white blood cell count, which usually signifies inflammation withinrepparttar 150471 body. Stool samples are commonly checked for evidence of blood or infection. You may have to have a colonoscopy and/or biopsy, which involves taking a sample of tissue fromrepparttar 150472 lining ofrepparttar 150473 colon. Another possibility is a barium enema x-ray ofrepparttar 150474 colon. This involves fillingrepparttar 150475 colon with barium solution and then taking x-rays to highlight any ulcers or inflammation.

The main treatment option for sufferers is medication, however depending onrepparttar 150476 serious ofrepparttar 150477 disease surgery may be required to removerepparttar 150478 colon. For some people, watching what they eat and avoiding known triggers can lead to a reduction in symptoms or remission. Although, for most peoplerepparttar 150479 symptoms return, with surgery beingrepparttar 150480 only known cure.

Kirsten Whittaker has an interest in Colitis. To access more articles on Colitis or Crohn’s Disease click on the following link – http://www.crohnsdiseaseguide.info/crohnsdisease-articles/ or for additional Crohn’s information and resources go here - http://www.crohnsdiseaseguide.info

Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes

Written by Brandon C. Hall

Continued from page 1

No liquor. Liquor causes severe instability in blood sugar levels, and will cause serious problems. I stick only to beer and wine with a maximum of three drinks. If you monitor your sugar regularly and eat beforehand, you should be able to enjoy a nice night out.

3. Eating

Ofrepparttar areas available for improvement in my lifestyle, eating wasrepparttar 150470 easiest for me to adapt and overcome. When I learned that protein had a minor effect on my sugar that was good news, any hamburger and steak-loving American would be happy to hear that, butrepparttar 150471 bad news was that French fries, baked potatoes, and (my favorite) sweet potatoes were off limits. That meant I had to learn to love vegetables.

From that point forward, I began cooking veggies with light butter and cayenne pepper. I know that sounds odd, but I like spicy food. As far as your diet is concerned, forrepparttar 150472 sake of your happiness, find your favorite spices and seasonings and begin experimenting with healthy foods.

4. Exercise

When it comes to exercising many people (including myself) do not follow through for long enough to see substantial results. Personally, I believe in living an active lifestyle instead of becoming a fitness and free-weight junkie. What worked for me? Basic exercises (lunges, squats, and crunches) in front ofrepparttar 150473 television every morning followed by a 15 minute walk.

Complying withrepparttar 150474 guidelines I listed above, I'm still able to have a fun, active lifestyle while controlling my diabetes. Finally, I need to say that I'm not a doctor, just a guy with Type 1 Diabetes. The practices I listed worked for me to maintainrepparttar 150475 young-adult lifestyle that I wanted. You may be different, and understanding your own personality traits is critical to successful moderation and control of your diabetes.

Brandon C. Hall is an online business owner and Type 1 Diabetic who runs many websites. For the latest articles and news related to diabetes and the diabetic lifestyle visit: http://www.diabetic-resources.com

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