A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich

Written by John Colanzi

Continued from page 1

The same skills you use to make money for your boss, could be better applied to creating wealth for you.

There's an old cartoon that bringsrepparttar point home even clearer.

A father is asking his son, "Wow, wouldn't you love to be a football player and make all that money?"

The little boy smiles and says, "Daddy, I'd rather berepparttar 106528 guy that can afford to payrepparttar 106529 whole team."

The next time you're excited, keep your own council and rememberrepparttar 106530 words of Ben Franklin.

"Keep Thy Shop and Thy Shop Will Keep Thee."

Dare to dream. Be your own boss.

Wishing You Success, John Colanzi Street Smart Marketing http://www.internet-profits4u.com

**************************************** Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002 John Colanzi. John publishesrepparttar 106531 "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. To subscribe mailto:streetsmart@rapidreply.net Don't forget to get your free email course. "7 Days To Turbo Charged Mind!" mailto:johncolanzi@freeautobot.com ****************************************

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. To subscribe mailto:streetsmart@rapidreply.net Don't forget to get your free email course. "7 Days To Turbo Charged Mind!" mailto:johncolanzi@freeautobot.com

Getting Motivated to Get Organized

Written by Kathy Paauw

Continued from page 1

Most people are motivated by one of two things: a desire to either increase pleasure or decrease pain in their lives. That's what inside-out organizing is all about - getting clear about your internal desires...what you want more or less of in your life -- and then working outward to achieverepparttar desired outcome.

In Kelly's case, although she has createdrepparttar 106527 clutter problem, her husband owns it. Until she is ready to ownrepparttar 106528 problem, nothing will change in their household. So how can Kelly become motivated to take ownership ofrepparttar 106529 problem and do something about it? Let's revisitrepparttar 106530 question, "What's possible for Kelly once she gets organized?" To illustrate how this works, I've made up three scenarios in which Kelly could explorerepparttar 106531 answer to that question:

1. Kelly and her husband sit down together and add uprepparttar 106532 actual costs ofrepparttar 106533 clutter and disorganization -- late payment fees becauserepparttar 106534 bills are not getting opened and paid on time, purchasing duplicate items because they can't find what they need, canceling subscriptions to magazines that do not get read, etc. Then they determine some alternative ways to spendrepparttar 106535 money they'll save ... perhaps for a vacation they've wanted to take, or for a home improvement Kelly wants that they cannot afford. Motivating factor: Freeing up more disposable income to use for things onrepparttar 106536 wish list.

2. Kelly and her husband are both committed to caring for each other in meaningful ways. She recognizes that order is important to her husband and he is important to her. Therefore order becomes important to her forrepparttar 106537 sake of nurturing their relationship in a way that is meaningful to her husband. Motivating factor: Building a more satisfying relationship with her husband.

3. Kelly has a hobby that she has not done for years because there's no space inrepparttar 106538 house to work on it. She has a renewed energy and passion for resurrecting this hobby, and that serves as a motivation to begin de-cluttering their home. Motivating factor: Following a passion of hers and doing something she enjoys.

In each scenario above, Kelly might be motivated to change some habits if it's worthrepparttar 106539 prize that awaits her onrepparttar 106540 other side ofrepparttar 106541 clutter.

Being organized is not about how your environment looks, but about creating an environment and a schedule that enables you to work, play, and live exactly as you want to. Stephanie Winston, author of The Organized Executive, reminds us that "a good system expressesrepparttar 106542 organization of your mind inrepparttar 106543 environment."

To assess your current level of organization at home, answerrepparttar 106544 following questions: * Can you find what you need when you need it? * Does your environment express and support who you are and what you value most? * Does your schedule express and support who you are and what you value most?

To assess your current level of organization at work, answerrepparttar 106545 following questions: * Can you consistently find what you need within a few seconds? * If you work with others, can they quickly find what they need in your office when you're not around? * Does your current system keep you focused on what's most important and remind you of important follow-up? * Does your current paper & information management system work? Do you like it?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are doing just fine, even if your environment doesn't look organized to others.

If you answered no to any of these questions, ask yourself what you would gain if you organized your time and your space around what's most important to you. What opportunities do you miss out on or turn away because of a cluttered schedule, cluttered environment, or a cluttered mind? Visit http://www.orgcoach.net/whatitcosts.html to find out what disorganization costs you or your company.

Someone once said that "one definition of insanity is to keep doingrepparttar 106546 same thing and expecting different results." If you were to get and stay organized, what different results would be possible? What will getting organized enable you to do that you are not doing now? Once you are clear aboutrepparttar 106547 answer to these questions, keep your eye onrepparttar 106548 prize and you'll haverepparttar 106549 motivation to succeed!

April is Stress Awareness Month, andrepparttar 106550 week of April 15th is National Organize Your Files Week. When you are motivated to reduce your stress by making a change in your environment and/or your schedule, I can help you get started. E-mail me at mailto:orgcoach@gte.net to schedule a complimentary consultation or coaching session.

Kathy Paauw, President of Paauwerfully Organized, is a certified business/personal coach & organizing consultant. She works with individuals by helping them declutter their schedules, spaces and minds. Visit her website at http://www.orgcoach.net to learn how you can Find ANYTHING in 5 Seconds - guaranteed! To subscribe to her free monthly PaauwerTools ezine visit http://www.orgcoach.net/newsletter/

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