A Beginner's Guide to Writing a Novel

Written by Rachelle Arlin Credo

Continued from page 1

Next, make sure you are able to retain your daydreaming and concentration as one event goes after another. This state is now calledrepparttar "alpha state". According to Judith Tramayne-Barth, this isrepparttar 141259 place between consciousness and sleep. Time stands still when you are in this state. Words keep coming to you until you start to feel pain in your legs and in your waist and then you suddenly flick consciousness and you become flabbergasted because you've not only written one or two pages but five or more without even knowing it!

The next key would be to practice flipping in and out ofrepparttar 141260 "alpha state". You can do this by rereading what you've written and internalizing it as if it was your first time. It might take you time, as much as hours or even days before you are able to go to your "alpha state" again but once you're adept at going intorepparttar 141261 zone, it would only be a matter of minutes before you start writing a new dialogue.

So, you've finished your story! Now it's time to dorepparttar 141262 final touch-ups. There is still one last thing that you need to do. Yea, you guessed it. You need to checkrepparttar 141263 entire story again for spelling, punctuations, grammar, correct word usage and coherence. You might even need to revise it a few times before you are able to arrive withrepparttar 141264 final output. But don't fret, it's not much work really compared to writingrepparttar 141265 entire novel. What's important is you now have your own novel, written by yourself, using your very own imagination. How much more proud could you get?

Rachelle Arlin Credo is a 21-year old entrepreneur and part-time writer. Formerly a contributing scribe to The Freeman and Sunstar Daily - Philippines, she writes short stories, poems, essays, and articles for Writers.net, ezinearticles.com, Ideamarketers.com, LovingYou.com, and Poetrykafe.com. You can check her web blogs at http://xyresh.bravehost.com.

Story and Screenplay Structure

Written by Kal Bishop

Continued from page 1

b) Engagement inrepparttar tasks results in problem identification and triggersrepparttar 141233 mind into working on those problems at various cognitive levels. Problems incubate until answers become apparent. Increasingrepparttar 141234 incidence and frequency of problem identification increasesrepparttar 141235 incidence and frequency of insight. In other words, simply engaging inrepparttar 141236 project generates good ideas, insights and inspiration, which is why screenwriters often find that their best ideas come to them when they are inrepparttar 141237 middle of writing a screenplay.

c) Increased problem identification (coupled with motivation) increasesrepparttar 141238 incidence of solution seeking, through active search for stimuli and intellectual cross pollination through networks and collaboration.

A range of Screenplay and Story Structure Templates can be found at http://www.managing-creativity.com/

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Kal Bishop, MBA


You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made andrepparttar 141239 author's name and site URL are retained.

Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached on http://www.managing-creativity.com/

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