Written by Hifzur Rehman

Continued from page 1

There is an extraordinary person within you. Give that person a chance to lead you. The more you seek guidance from your inner-self,repparttar more you feel confident about your capabilities as an extraordinary person.

Being an extraordinary person, with a strong belief level, you can go torepparttar 123165 peak of success, beyond any person’s imagination. Raise up your arms inrepparttar 123166 air, smile and letrepparttar 123167 world praise you as an extraordinary person.

Do you need any extraordinary skills to become an extraordinary person? Not necessarily! A little guidance from your inner-self andrepparttar 123168 wise management of your time is all that you need to bring a positive revolution in your life. But most importantly, you must enhance your belief level to become an extraordinary person.

Are you an extraordinary person? Still undecided!

Hifzur Rehman is the author of popular articles on self-improvement. He is also the editor of his website which is a great source of FREE self-improvement related material, thoroughly scrutinized for its practical importance and positive impact on human life.

Hifzur Rehman © 2004 – All Rights Reserved

Trusting the Universe – Or Not

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Sally, one of my clients, was struggling with her trust inrepparttar universe. I asked her to think about a time when she knew she was being guided and supported. “Well, one important time was when I was thinking of quitting college. I had gone to my college that day withrepparttar 123164 intention of quitting when I ran into an old friend. We sat and talked, and then I went home. It was only after I got home that I realized that I forgot to quit. I stayed in school and finished and it was one ofrepparttar 123165 best things I ever did for myself. I know that day Spirit made sure I ran into my friend so that I would forget about quitting! Another time was when my baby son was inrepparttar 123166 hospital, very very sick. The doctor said he might not surviverepparttar 123167 night. I prayed and prayed and put my body over his and sent all of my love into him. Immediately his fever went down and he was okay. God was definitely with me.” Remembering these times helped Sally to reaffirm her trust in God.

I cannot think of a better way to reduce or eliminate anxiety than to decide to trustrepparttar 123168 universe. When we are inrepparttar 123169 midst of extreme difficulties, reminding ourselves that we are being guided is a powerful way to stay present and centered and handlerepparttar 123170 difficulties.

Afterrepparttar 123171 trauma of my house burning subsided, I questioned my Guidance regarding why I wasn’t warned in a way that could have stoppedrepparttar 123172 house from burning. I was told that, because I had lived and worked in that house for 31 years, too much of my energy was inrepparttar 123173 house. Spirit needed to help me by burning outrepparttar 123174 energy, so that my health would not be adversely affected by people tapping into my energy. I was told that my house burning was for my benefit, even though it felt so traumatic atrepparttar 123175 time. In addition, I received more compensation fromrepparttar 123176 insurance than I did from sellingrepparttar 123177 house! What seemed like a disaster turned out to be a good thing.

Because we have free will, each of us hasrepparttar 123178 option of deciding to trust that we are truly being supported byrepparttar 123179 universe, that even very challenging situations are all opportunities to evolve our soul in love – toward ourselves and others. Life is filled with ups and downs, with good times and bad. It’s important to realize that when bad things happen it does not mean that we are not being supported and guided in our soul’s journey. Inner peace comes when we trust thatrepparttar 123180 universe always supports our highest good.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?", "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?", "Healing Your Aloneness","Inner Bonding", and "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

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