Continued from page 1
Taking into account all these facts, our fictional policeman might ask himself what
motive for such devilry could be. He would soon discover it was
same motive that
"Secret Church" and
orthodox Roman Catholic Church have always pursued.
According to
white supremacist dogma of
Rosicrucian "Secret Church",
"Negro and other sub-races" must die and be reincarnated to allow for
evolution of Man's consciousness.
Rosicrucian beliefs date back to ancient Egypt, and ironically its influence can be seen in
much criticized statement by Israel's ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who recently said ‘the Holocaust victims were reincarnations of
souls of sinners... they had to be reincarnated in order to atone’.
Initiated Rosicrucian Adolf Hitler said ‘The greatest and most ruthless decisions will have to be made. A barbaric measure for
unfortunate who is struck by it, but a blessing for his fellow man and posterity,
passing pain of a century can and will clearly redeem millenniums from sufferings’. Though talking about
Jewish Holocaust, Hitler could well have been speaking of
African AIDS Holocaust. During
late 70's and early 80's
Vatican announced various warnings attributed to
"Virgin Mary" from a variety of sources. She constantly repeated that a ‘Great Warning would come from God that would be good for some, and bad for others’. Perhaps
Virgin Mary and Adolf Hitler had
same speechwriters, so similar is their outlook. For how could
suffering endured by anybody be good for others?
deceptive use of
Protocols of
Elders of Sion that Hitler used to "prove" a fictitious "Jewish conspiracy", {But who is a Jew if not
Milesians or Stuart/Sinclairs?}
majority of
scientific community, while ignoring their own obvious culpability, is similarly blaming
victims of AIDS in Africa for having created
disease through their irresponsible behavior i.e. ‘eating or having sex with a monkey’. As Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf ‘If you tell a lie long enough, eventually it will be believed as truth... and
more people will believe it’.
As regards
orthodox Roman Catholic Church, it is merely continuing its policy of genocide against Shamanism and
indigenous peoples of
world, as
history of Christianity & Racism clearly demonstrates.
AIDS epidemic in Africa and throughout
developing world prevents these nations from achieving economic stability. This would have given them
power to control their own natural resources, and ultimately have affected
wealth and power of
Western corporate-aristocratic-military-industrial complex.
The Pentagon's retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Colonel Jack Kingston, currently Chairman of
National Security Advisory Board in Washington DC intends to take
AIDS issue before a Congressional Hearing.
He recently said ‘In my estimation, AIDS is a covert operation run amok that is bigger than any secret operation in U.S. history. It is more momentous in its implications to humanity than
atomic weapons Manhattan Project of World War II’.
Any experienced detective will tell you, a killer always leaves a trail of incriminating evidence, and Man's history is not so dissimilar. In
context of everyday life,
sordid thoughts and actions of a murderer are difficult to grasp and seem unbelievable. As individuals we are unlikely to consider
causes and effects of such malevolence, unless through fate it touches our own lives. Similarly,
demonic manifestations of History are rarely faced until it becomes unavoidable. While
suggestions of a calculated genocide seem fantastic, a brief glance at perhaps
worst century in Man's history shows this crime to be only another murderous act by
same historical predators.
It is perhaps, if we have
courage to look it squarely in
face, only equal to
unbelievable facts of recent European slaughter -
shipment of men, women and children in railway carriages, to over five hundred purpose-built camps, where they were put into shower rooms, and gassed with Zyklon B. Their bodies were placed into purpose-built ovens where
evidence of their existence was destroyed - why? Because they were Jews. If somebody had knocked upon your door pointing to
train and telling you this bizarre story, it would it have been easier to believe they were lying, than to try and stop
The only hope is
fact that our fictional policeman can use
law of a democratic and free country, and stand before elected political representatives in
ancient struggle against feudalism and evil.
They may find that like a puzzling murder mystery, several hands were clutching
medieval prophet Michel de Nostradamus is often used by secret society occultists as a reference to interpreting global political events, it may not be completely inappropriate to quote from this French mystic's visions of
‘O vast Rome, your ruin draws near, not that of your walls, but of your lifeblood and substance,
harsh one of letters will make so horrid a notch, pointed steel all wounding up of
sleeve’. C10 Q65
‘Not from Spain but from ancient France, will be elected for
trembling ship, he will make a promise to
enemy, who will cause great plague during his reign’. C5 Q49”