AAA credit in 30 days--method

Written by samantha

Continued from page 1
a few days and make a payment on each ofrepparttar other three loans. A week later, make payments again onrepparttar 100783 three loans, and continue paying each week until you have almost paid offrepparttar 100784 balance. A credit invitation at this point will show you with three active bank loans (which are considered hard to get), a checking account, and paying history forrepparttar 100785 three bank loans--with you having paid up in advance. Thus, you have a AAA credit in a little as 30 days. From here you go on to apply for credit cards, and other items on credit. I've personally done this with larger amounts of money before I've had to qualify for a large loan, it also makes your loan interest rates go down-RP

*I copied this information from - they have a free method to get $200k in 24 hours also but I'm going I will need to ask them before I post that article her- thank you and have a blessed day :)

10 Ways To Improve Your Print Ads

Written by David Coyne

Continued from page 1

8) Put quotation marks aroundrepparttar headline. This can draw 28 percent more attention than a headline without quotation marks.

9) Consider running your ad in black and white if you’re using mostly text inrepparttar 100782 ad. Without colour,repparttar 100783 ad looks more like an article.

10) The headline isrepparttar 100784 most important part of an ad. Spend time creating a powerful, benefit packed headline. If you don’t stoprepparttar 100785 reader in their tracks with a good headline, few will bother to readrepparttar 100786 rest ofrepparttar 100787 ad.

David Coyne is a copywriter and marketing consultant. Need help writing your brochures, ads, web pages and other marketing materials? Contact David at his web site:

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