9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Don't Feel Like It

Written by Skye Thomas

Continued from page 1

6) Just get it over with. One of my all time favorite quotes about getting past your inner blocks was written by Stuart Wilde in his book The Quickening, "Cutrepparttar shit and dorepparttar 123111 thing." Yeah it's a bit rough, but we all know those stoic tough people who simply roll up their sleeves and dive in know matter how much they may haterepparttar 123112 task before them. Take on a soldier's mindset and just get to work doingrepparttar 123113 ugly parts so you can move on torepparttar 123114 more rewarding parts of making your dreams a reality.

7) Get training or education. Quite often, we don't like doing something because deep down we don't think we know how or that we are talented enough. So, getrepparttar 123115 education, dorepparttar 123116 research, learnrepparttar 123117 necessary skills, or whatever else it is that you need to do to get ready for taking that next step. Once you've properly trained yourself, then you might even be enthusiastic about taking that next step.

8) Take a running start at it. Think of riding your bike uphill. It doesn't take kids very long to figure out thatrepparttar 123118 best way to get that bicycle torepparttar 123119 top ofrepparttar 123120 steep hill is to build up a lot of speed before you even get torepparttar 123121 base ofrepparttar 123122 hill. You then let that momentum help to propel you most ofrepparttar 123123 way up. Heck, with enough of a running start you can sometimes make it allrepparttar 123124 way up without any major struggles. If there is a way to pace yourself and reschedulerepparttar 123125 not so fun parts of accomplishing your goals until after you've completed a bunch ofrepparttar 123126 cool parts, then do so. The highs of your mini successes will help inspire you to push pastrepparttar 123127 parts that you are avoiding.

9) Figure out a different way to do it. This isrepparttar 123128 supreme way to avoid doingrepparttar 123129 task all together. Be creative, be smart, think outsiderepparttar 123130 box. Is there any way to make your dream come true without having to actually dorepparttar 123131 specific duty that you're wanting to avoid? Sometimes you can find another way. Other times, just knowing that there is definitely no other path to your dreams other thanrepparttar 123132 one before you is enough to motivate you to just buck up and get through it.

What's most important is not how you keep yourself motivated but that you keeprepparttar 123133 long-term benefits of your goals in mind. If you focus too much on avoidingrepparttar 123134 uncomfortable parts of accomplishing your goals, then you won't accomplish much. Find a way to keep going and remember that all things come with a price. Payrepparttar 123135 price so you can get on with enjoyingrepparttar 123136 dream.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Skye Thomas is the CEO of Tomorrow's Edge, an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith. Her books and articles have inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. To read more of her articles, sign up to receive her free weekly newsletter, and get free previews of her books go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net.

Are You Rich?

Written by Staci Stallings

Continued from page 1

And so back to our original question. Are you rich?

When you look at your life do you expect things to work out? Do you focus all your energy on things working out? Or do you sit back and hope that somehow they will? If your answer torepparttar last question is, “Yes,” then I’d be willing to bet your answer torepparttar 123110 first is, “No.” It’s simple—if all you focus on is how “poor” you are, no matter how great things may be, you will find a way to feel “poor.”

Sarah Ban Breathnach, best-selling author of Simple Abundance and Something More, suggests keeping a gratitude journal where every day you write down five things for which you are grateful. This is an excellent way to force your mind to focus on answering a resounding, “Yes!” to “Are you rich?” Take a moment, right now, and list ten things in your life for which you would not take a million dollars.

Having trouble thinking of something? Then start with your health—that’s an asset most of us take for granted. “But I have a bad back and migraine headaches and PMS,” you say. Maybe, but I have an uncle who is stricken with MS, and he literally cannot reliably move any muscle in his entire body. Not only is he in a wheelchair, he must be strapped to that wheelchair so he won’t fall out. He cannot feed himself, dress himself, or go torepparttar 123111 bathroom by himself. He cannot drive, hold a pencil, type, or even roll over in bed at night under his own power.

Now, how thankful are you for your health? More importantly, are you rich?

Inrepparttar 123112 book Princess, by Jean Sasson, a Saudi Arabian princess who onrepparttar 123113 outside lives a life of luxury and opulence that most of us could only dream about, describes life for women that closely resembles absolute hell. Women locked in lightless rooms for years on end because they brought “dishonor” torepparttar 123114 family. Women drowned by their fathers in their family’s swimming pool while their mothers and sisters look on helplessly. Young girls sold by their parents, stripped naked, and then bought at auctions by men who want to increase their harems.

And we complain about a bad hair day.

Think aboutrepparttar 123115 opportunities andrepparttar 123116 options you have stretched before you. Yes, you may be in a dead end job or in a dead end relationship, but you don’t have to stay there. You can get out. So ask yourself right now, what do you want to do with your life? What is your dream? If you could be anywhere in this life, where would you be? Picture that place in detail. What does it look like? Breathe. Close your eyes, and see it.

If you believe you are rich; if in your soul your answer is a solid, no-questions-asked, resounding “Yes!”, then you can achieve that dream and any other dream you focus on. Nothing can stop you.

Now, I can hear some of you saying, “But I’m not rich. Look at all these bad things that have happened to me.” Then I say, start a grateful journal today—this very minute. You don’t have a second to waste.

Motivational speaker, Marianne Williamson says, “There is nothing holy about poverty.” God,repparttar 123117 maker of all things, has given yourepparttar 123118 greatest gift of all—life, but what do most of us do? Sit around complaining about every little thing that has ever gone wrong and whining about how hard this life is.

Let this be your warning: Do not tell your brain you are poor, for when you do, no amount of riches—monetary or otherwise—will ever be enough to make you rich. Believe you are rich, feel you are rich, focus on how you are rich every single moment of every single day. For when you feel you are rich and believe you are rich, more riches will be granted to you.

So, now, let me ask you once more, are you rich? Be careful. The answer is shaping more than you think!

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