9 Ways To Make Your Website More Presentable

Written by Sanjay Johari

Continued from page 1

6)Free gifts or Bonus - The audience attendingrepparttar conference can be given gifts - after all they are investing there time forrepparttar 116500 presentation. The website can also offer several incentives torepparttar 116501 visitors and lure her to visit again and again. Free ebooks, subscription to newsletters, links to related resources, articles and additional information are some ofrepparttar 116502 simplest incentives that can be offered torepparttar 116503 visitor.

7)Anticipate Questions - When a question is put up torepparttar 116504 spokesperson, she should accept it with understanding showing that she had been expectingrepparttar 116505 question and was prepared to answer it. This approach will re-assurerepparttar 116506 audience as they developrepparttar 116507 feeling that "everything has been taken care of". While designing a website anticipated questions should be compiled and answers should be provided. It may be helpful to provide separate pages displaying common questions and answers.

8)Testimonials - Afterrepparttar 116508 end ofrepparttar 116509 presentation, very few people are likely to sign-up immediately. Those who are still interested afterrepparttar 116510 presentation would like to take some time to decide. They are likely to seek additional information and confirmation ofrepparttar 116511 information already provided. The spokesperson should clearly spell out how easy it would be to get any further information. Visitors torepparttar 116512 website often re-visit several times before they take any decision, particularlyrepparttar 116513 decisions involving money transaction. Testimonials and endorsements appearing onrepparttar 116514 website are very effective in getting a favorable response fromrepparttar 116515 visitors.

9)Follow-Up - During a presentation it is common practice to registerrepparttar 116516 names and other details ofrepparttar 116517 participants. This information can be used to follow-up with them by sending further messages. The website should be used to perform a very important function of capturing names and e-mail addresses of interested persons for following-up with them.

Thinking of website as a spokesperson adds a human dimension with which we are more familiar. Reviewing your website from a new angle can reveal ways of improving it.

Sanjay Johari is an engineer with vast industrial experience. He operates on-line business and has published several articles. Visit his website for information, ebooks, articles, opportunities and more on small businesses: http://www.Sanjay-J.com Mailto: articles@sanjay-j.com

Sanjay Johari is an engineer with vast industrial experience. He operates on-line business and has published several articles. Visit his website for information, ebooks, articles, opportunities and more on small businesses: http://www.Sanjay-J.com

How to Profit from your Home Business Blog

Written by Ian Canaway

Continued from page 1

Whenever you sign-up for an affiliate program or buy a product, review it in your blog and be brutally honest, your readers will love you for it. Take a completely unbiased view point and talk about bothrepparttar positives and negatives of each product. In essence you are providing more of an insight intorepparttar 116499 product thanrepparttar 116500 sales page itself, almost a sample, this will help convert those prospects that are ‘sitting onrepparttar 116501 fence’ so to speak. Obviously when you review your affiliate products, make sure that you use your affiliate links.

It has been shown that prospects are 7-10 times more likely to buy from a blog recommendation than from other sources!

Other ways that you can generate extra income through your blog are throughrepparttar 116502 Google ad sense program, selling banner/link space as your traffic increases or as I mentioned earlier by adding you own opt-in sign up form to which you send your newsletter or other targeted offers.

Your blog can be syndicated using RSS, which I won’t go into here, that’s another article. But savvy webmasters can use your blog content on their web pages. This benefits them as they have regularly updated fresh content for their website and benefits you through increased exposure and free targeted traffic.

Be passionate about your blog, love your blog. If you do not then it will become obvious through your posts and you are unlikely to be anywhere near as successful as you could be.

Add to your blog regularly provide good quality content and reviews and you will be on your way to blogging success.

“A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one at all would find fault with what he has done”. -- Cardinal Newman

Get that blog started today!

(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The byline and biography must remain inrepparttar 116503 article.)

Resource Box: Ian Canaway isrepparttar 116504 owner of http://www.asuccesfullhomebusiness4u.com/ and you are invited to come and have a look round his new home business blog at http://ahomebusinessblog4u.blogspot.com/ For home business tips, advice and product reviews. Happy Blogging!

Resource Box: Ian Canaway is the owner of http://www.asuccesfullhomebusiness4u.com/ and you are invited to come and have a look round his new home business blog at http://ahomebusinessblog4u.blogspot.com/ For home business tips, advice and product reviews. Happy Blogging!

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