9 Quick Ways To Conquer Cellulite

Written by Tony Newton

Continued from page 1

Following a regimen of good health, nutrition and exercise will rid your body of excess toxins and promote a general state of health that is optimum for pursuing any program for dealing with cellulite.

Lastly, think twice or three times before investing huge amounts of cash for so-called treatments or cures. You are now armed withrepparttar most important tool you need on your journey to Conquering Cellulite. That tool is knowledge! Use it wisely!

Tony Newton publishes the popular health and wellness website - http://www.1st-for-health.com With lots of informative articles on low carb diets, hair loss, arthritis pain relief, acne and lots more.

3 Quick Herbal Remedies

Written by Tony Newton

Continued from page 1

2. High Blood Pressure.

Try vegetable soup. Yes, vegetable soup. Add any ofrepparttar following: Celery, Garlic, Hawthorn, Kudzu, Onion, Tomato, Broccoli, Carrot, Purslane (any anything else that contains magnesium), Saffron, Valerian, Fennel, Oregano, Black Pepper, Basil and Tarragon. Consume on a regular basis. Eliminate pork, beef, and alcohol from your diet. Eat more plant foods and herbs and use a good vitamin regimen.

3. Dandruff.

Create an herbal scalp rinse. Add one teaspoon of Potassium Chloride (find in salt section atrepparttar 137360 supermarket) into 6 cups of water. Heat untilrepparttar 137361 Potassium Chloride dissolves. Chop four ounces of fresh Celandine (if fresh is not available use a half cup ofrepparttar 137362 dried herb instead).Add Celandine torepparttar 137363 solution. Allow to stand for two hours. Then boil slowly for 20 minutes. Strain outrepparttar 137364 plant material, and simmer reducing to one and one half cups. Add eight ounces of glycerin and continue simmering reducingrepparttar 137365 liquid slowly to two cups. Strainrepparttar 137366 result and bottle it. Store in cool place. Use once or twice a day as a hair rinse.

Lastly, make certain that both your physician AND your herbalist are fully aware of all medications and/or herbal treatments you are using.

Tony Newton publishes the popular health and wellness website - http://www.1st-for-health.com With lots of informative articles on low carb diets, hair loss, arthritis pain relief, acne and lots more.

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