9 Dealdly Diseases That Re Sending People To An Early Grave

Written by Terry Pierce

Continued from page 1

The overwhelming new cases of diabetes inrepparttar world today arerepparttar 112890 result of insulin resistance. Physicians are busy treating blood sugars rather thanrepparttar 112891 underlying problem, which is insulin resistance. Diet, exercise and potent nutritional supplements all improve sensitivity to your own insulin and are critical in preventing diabetes from occurring or if you already have diabetes, helping control your diabetes.

Health Enemy #5: Osteoporosis FACT 25 north Americans suffer from osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and bone health not only depend on estrogen and calcium, but on a wide range of nutrients, including vitamins B6, C, D, K, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, zinc and copper. Failure to meet one or more of these nutrient needs could result in accelerated osteoporosis. Maintaining strong and healthy bones should begin early.

Health Enemy #6: Arthritis FACT over 165 million people have some form of arthritis More than 70 to 80 percent ofrepparttar 112892 population over 50 suffers from degenerative arthritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication does nothing to slow downrepparttar 112893 progression ofrepparttar 112894 disease and is responsible for over 100,000 hospital admissions each year with 16,000 deaths. Glucosamine sulfate along with complete and balanced nutritional supplements onrepparttar 112895 other hand, actually slows down degenerative arthritis and is even able to increase cartilage withinrepparttar 112896 joint, without dangerous side effects.

Health Enemy #7 Alzheimer’s FACT An estimated 29 million people suffer from dementia

Alzheimer’s dementia has been shown to be caused by oxidative stress. Patients who haverepparttar 112897 highest intake of antioxidants, which combats oxidative stress haverepparttar 112898 lowest risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia. I believe thatrepparttar 112899 best way to protect yourself fromrepparttar 112900 development of these neuro-degenerative diseases is by taking highly potent nutritional supplements.

Health Enemy #8 Obesity FACT Forrepparttar 112901 first time inrepparttar 112902 history ofrepparttar 112903 United States and other industrialized nations there are more people who are obese than are of normal weight

Researchers are beginning to realize that one ofrepparttar 112904 main causes of obesity is insulin resistance. Eating in such a way as not to spike your blood sugar, modest exercise, and nutritional supplements all improve insulin sensitivity. This triad of healthy lifestyles has a side affect of fat loss.

Health Enemy #9 Skin Cancer FACT A five-fold increase in almost all types of skin cancer has occurred overrepparttar 112905 past two decades

Recent medical research indicates that skin cancer is caused by oxidative stress. To combat this problem it is important to choose a sun screen that protects us from both UVA and UBV sunlight and to use high quality antioxidant nutritional supplements to fortify our own antioxidant defense systems. It is also vital that we use skin care products that are natural and contain a full array of antioxidants.

The good news is, there is a way to figure out exactly what your body needs and with a little research you can find a company that can supply all your supplemental needs and by takingrepparttar 112906 right combination of vitamin supplements you will help protect your body and mind from these 9 deadly health enemies that are sending people to an early grave.

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Terry Pierce is the ownwer of PierceNutrition and has been exercising and consuming vitamin supplements for over 25 years. Terry has found a formula for selecting the right combination and best quality of vitamin supplements for anyone and lifestyle. Terry is constantly educating people on how they can improve the quality of their lives. By telling them the Truth about vitamin supplementation.

Let your mind decide your kind of training!

Written by Ingela Berger

Continued from page 1
keeping fit. If you don't want to go torepparttar local gym or joinrepparttar 112889 football club, maybe you prefer putting on some good music and creating a new dance of your own in your living room a couple of times per week? Or maybe you'd want to play hide-and-seek inrepparttar 112890 park with your next door neighbours every Friday? Let your mood berepparttar 112891 driving force! Discoverrepparttar 112892 feeling of joy and pleasure that comes with moving your body! The season offers lots of opportunities: Outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, swimming and different ball games are fun and easy and mostly they don't require large investments. What makes you feel happy? Don't ask yourself what others might like. Find your own way! Have fun! And be brave enough to try new things that may enrich your life!

Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 to inspire others to make reality of their dreams of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, history of art, and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she is now back at school to become a health and lifestyle consultant.

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