8 Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Your

Written by Larry Dotson

Continued from page 1

4. You could tell themrepparttar freebie is only available to a limited number of people. For example, " Our free software will only be available forrepparttar 121956 next 100 people that download it."

5. You could give more details aboutrepparttar 121957 freebie. Listrepparttar 121958 benefits, features, what problemsrepparttar 121959 freebie will solve, etc.

6. You could describe your freebie to sound more attractive. For example, instead of "free report" you could say "free never released top secret document"

7. You could list testimonials for your freebie. Most businesses don't give testimonials for their freebies. This would defiantly increase your freebies value.

8. You could tell people how many people have already receive your freebie. For example, "15,000 people have already subscribed to my free e-zine! Can they all be wrong?

These are only a few ways you can add value to your freebies. You could be creative and think up some other ways to increaserepparttar 121960 perceived value of your freebies. Also test each idea to see which one drawsrepparttar 121961 most traffic to your web site.

Larry Dotson. Get 1239 FREE Internet Business eBooks when you visit: http://www.ldpublishing.com As a bonus, Bob Osgoodby publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter visit his web site to subscribe and place a FREE Ad! http://adv-marketing.com/business.

Less Is Better

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

Even though I wanted more information about what repparttar person was offering, I left. I was greeted by another pop-up which I assume came from some kind of exit exchange program. When I deleted this page I saw another flash indicating another pop-under fromrepparttar 121955 person's website that I had been redirected to throughrepparttar 121956 exit exchange.

Confused? It's beyond confusion. I want traffic as much as anyone else butrepparttar 121957 direction of marketing is quite irritating to be honest.

Will Mark Joyner's new pop-under program be a success? Probably. Will there be mass numbers using it? If my email this morning is any indication, yes.

When pop-ups first came onrepparttar 121958 scene, people talked about how irritating they were. Yet, they have proved to be a very effective marketing tool. I was a sceptic for quite a while but when I finally caved and started using one,repparttar 121959 results were amazing.

Though I don't use one, I have talked to many who userepparttar 121960 exit exchanges with great success as well. I am surerepparttar 121961 pop-under pages will be no different.

I do think that some are pushingrepparttar 121962 envelope too far. Using one of these tools can prove to be quite effective but I think people will tire of repparttar 121963 websites that have multiple windows popping up.

Which type of program is most effective? I have no idea. Should you be using one or more of these traffic programs? I think they probably all have their up side but this is one of those situations where I think less is better.


Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine which provides fresh content from some of the top marketing experts. You can subscribe by sending an email to mailto:moneyforhire@rapidreply.net You can get his latest marketing course "Advertising Today" by sending an email to mailto:advertisingtoday@rapidreply.net

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