8 Ways To Develop Confidence In New Situations

Written by Maria Marsala

Continued from page 1

~Carry a nametag in your glove compartment. Make one for personal use, another for business use. Then people will feel more comfortable walking up to you in meetings.

~Put your notes onrepparttar back of duplicates of pictures (photography) you've taken. Then they won't stick out so much fromrepparttar 102850 podium (like white paper or index cards do.)

~Practice some opening lines and your handshake before you attendrepparttar 102851 event. Practice using a mirror and ask your family to let you practice on them, too.

~Develop two a 30-second commercials (also called elevator speeches, USP - unique selling propositions). One is for personal use, andrepparttar 102852 other would be for business use. On a recent telelclass I attended, provided by Jay Levinson of Guerilla Marketing fame, suggested creating a 7 word commercial, too.

~Remember that everyone in that room is a human being, too. Everyone has their own fears to deal with... and they might even berepparttar 102853 same as yours.

Find other ways to build your confidence, too. Let me knowrepparttar 102854 ones that work for you.

© 2005 Elevating Your Business. Since 1998, Maria Marsala, a former Wall Street Trader, has worked with more than 1000 women (and men) who own service business to increase their profits, save time, and live rich, fulfilling lives. Visit www.ElevatingYourBusiness.com to request your 2 business reports and join our business building newsletter or forum.

Effective Meetings by Phone - Part 1, How to Plan a Teleconference

Written by Steve Kaye

Continued from page 1

4) Distributerepparttar agenda at least a day beforerepparttar 102849 meeting. This allows everyone to think about your issues and prepare for their participation. If appropriate (e.g., for controversial or complex issues) call key participants to confirm that they receivedrepparttar 102850 agenda and to check if they have comments on howrepparttar 102851 meeting could be made more effective. Use this as an opportunity to listen their ideas, instead of to work onrepparttar 102852 issues or argue with them.

5) Distribute any materials related torepparttar 102853 issues beforerepparttar 102854 meeting. This includes outlines, blueprints, schematics, product brochures, and data. Then,repparttar 102855 participants can use these tools to participate more effectively. For example, they can follow an outline, look at diagrams, or read data duringrepparttar 102856 meeting. This helps compensate forrepparttar 102857 lack of visual contact in a teleconference.

6) Invite only those who can directly contribute torepparttar 102858 meeting. Ideally, this should be fewer than eight people. If you invite more people, it becomes very difficult to hold an effective meeting. With a larger group, some ofrepparttar 102859 attendees will become lost as silent listeners, which is a waste of their time. You can always send a copy ofrepparttar 102860 minutes torepparttar 102861 people who need to know aboutrepparttar 102862 work accomplished duringrepparttar 102863 meeting.

A teleconference is more than a phone call. It is a meeting. And a meeting is a business activity that should be driven by a well thought out goal supported by a detailed plan. With proper planning, your teleconferences will distinguish you as an effective leader.

IAF Certified Professional Facilitator and author Steve Kaye helps groups of people hold effective meetings. His innovative workshops have informed and inspired people nationwide. His facilitation produces results that people will support. And his books show how to hold effective meetings. Sign up for his free newsletter at http://www.stevekaye.com. Call 714-528-1300 or visit his web site for over 100 pages of valuable ideas.

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