8 Top Tips For Rapidly Building A Golden Opt-In List - The Key To Internet Riches!

Written by Paula Morrow

Continued from page 1


Opt-in lists...they formrepparttar foundation of most profitable internet businesses. Sorepparttar 125094 building of a powerful opt-in list should berepparttar 125095 goal of every internet marketer. Here you will discover tips for building such a list, and new ideas for optimizing it through marketing.

The term 'opt-in' should already be familar. Briefly, it's when an interested party exchanges his/her name and email address for requested information (a free report, a free mini-course, monthly ezine, etc.). By 'opting-in', or volunteering their email addrerss, a person has given you permission to send them additional information and offers via email.

However, and this is key, to build a strong opt-in list, you must offer your prospects something of value. People are too busy these days, and they are being bombarded by information constantly. To break throughrepparttar 125096 clutter, your information must be perceived as important and timely. Position your product or service as a solution to a current problem, concern or pain, and you have a much better chance of creating a life-long customer.

Spam - The 'Dark Side' of Internet Marketing

ONLY SEND EMAILS TO THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN YOU PERMISSION TO DO SO, by responding to a legitimate opt-in offer! To not do so is to spam, and riskrepparttar 125097 sudden suspension of your web site and ISP account. In a word, don't.

That said, you must think creativily for ways to capture those golden names and email addresses. Include fields for ezine sign-ups on every page of your site, or add a simple form that will automatically capturerepparttar 125098 name/email addresses. If you offer free information in exchange, connect these sign-up opportunities with an autoresponder (capturingrepparttar 125099 names into a mailing list), and your prospect can be sentrepparttar 125100 requested information instantaneously, saving you a lot of time and hassle.

Here are some more ideas for building your opt-in list. In exchange for prospects giving you a contact name and email address, you could:

*Offer to notify them when updates happen on your website, or when there are important changes in your industry or its resources (becoming THE source of targeted information for your clients)

*Offer to contact them when a special promotion runs on a product or service

*Offer a daily tip/weekly/monthly or quarterly newsletter (this is an extremely popular and effective, since you are providing people with free and valuable information. It also establishes your credibility as an expert in your chosen field) *Provide a special report (or series of special reports or a series of 'mini-courses') on a topic of interest

*Register your ezine withrepparttar 125101 ezine directories: manually, at http://www.freezineweb.com/more-directories.html or with automated ezine submission software at eZineAnnouncer (http://wetrack.it/eza/af.citi?514)

To bring in off-site traffic to build your list, you could:

*Write a testimonial for your favorite product, in exchange for your name and link to your website being noted atrepparttar 125102 bottom *Write an article and submit it to other like-minded ezines to publish, including a compelling 4-6 line resource box atrepparttar 125103 bottom stating your name, credientials, and web site address

*After your list is large enough to calculate your conversion rate/return on investment (ROI) - aroundrepparttar 125104 500 point - you could purchase additional traffic at co-registration sites. Some to investigate: http://www.list-builder.com, http://www.zmedia.com and http://www.sparklist.com

Remember, The Gold Is In The List!

Once you have built a targeted, opt-in email list, you now have a pool of prospects to market to. Always respect your list, and treat it likerepparttar 125105 goldmine it is. Vow to only provide quality and value, and you will be on your way towards building a profitable business onrepparttar 125106 Internet!

=============================================== Paula Morrow is president of Ideal Marketing Corporation. She specializes in public relations, information marketing and creating cashflow systems. Her newsletter, IDEALProfits, is read in over 12 countries. Subscribe, and receiverepparttar 125107 co-brandable 'How To Start Your Own Traffic Virus' and 4 other ebooks FREE. http://www.idealmarketingcorp.com/subscribe.html ========================================

Paula Morrow is webmaster of http://www.idealmarketingcorp.com and has extensive marketing experience earned from 20 years in the public relations, entertainment and advertising worlds. Now applying this knowledge to the Internet, she enjoys creating cash-generating systems and coaching marketers on innovative ways to promote their businesses both online and off.

How To Target Your Niche Online Markets

Written by Kalena Jordan

Continued from page 1

- [send] flowers [Florida] - [send] roses [Miami] - [wedding] bouquets [Miami] - Valentine’s Day [gifts Florida] - [Florida] wedding flowers - florists [Miami] - [send] gifts [Miami]

See how a few selective terms narrows downrepparttar searches considerably? Visitors that arrive atrepparttar 125093 site after typing in such specific search terms are already highly qualified to buy fromrepparttar 125094 site. This increasesrepparttar 125095 visitor/sale conversion rate while reducingrepparttar 125096 'click away' rate considerably.

Ok, now you know your niche markets and you’ve narrowed down your target search terms to reach these markets. What next? Well, now you scatter these search terms throughout your web pages, in a logical way so as not to interruptrepparttar 125097 flow of writing. Then you replace keywords in your existing META keyword tag with your new target terms and userepparttar 125098 most important ones within your META description and title tag too. If you’re not confident enough to do this yourself, giverepparttar 125099 terms to your web designer or a SEO and ask them to do it.

Now whenrepparttar 125100 search engines index your site, they’ll find it more relevant for these target searches and (hopefully!) rank you highly for these new terms. The result: effective targeting of your online niche market, less 'click aways' and more real customers.

Article by Kalena Jordan, CEO of Web Rank. Kalena was one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia & New Zealand and is well known and respected in her field. For more of her articles on search engine ranking and online marketing, please visit http://www.high-search-engine-ranking.com

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