8 Tips to Ease the Morning Blues

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

4. Pack lunches and set out lunch money.

5. Have everyone prepare his or her briefcase, backpack and purse, and place them byrepparttar door.

6. Install a key hook byrepparttar 111556 door and make sure your keys are on it.

7. Keeprepparttar 111557 TV and radio off (unless you have a small child, then it can be a much-needed sitter while you get dressed). They're too distracting and can cause you to run late.

8. Letrepparttar 111558 answering machine pick uprepparttar 111559 phone. You can screen calls and only answerrepparttar 111560 truly important ones.

Have a stress-free morning tomorrow!

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and speaker. Free tips booklet and e-zine to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit http://www.ineedmoretime.com

The Real Dangers to Kids Online and How to Avoid Them

Written by Joshua Finer

Continued from page 1

2. Communicate regularly (not just once) with your child about WHAT they do online and WHO they talk to online. If you have actually metrepparttar friends they are talking to in person, you'll know it is OK for them to chat with them online.

3. Take computers out of kids' rooms and put them into public areas such asrepparttar 111555 family room. Many parents think they are helping with homework by givingrepparttar 111556 kids a computer, but it also opens certain dangers that you may be unaware of.

4. Choose your child's screen name, email address or instant message name wisely - don't' reveal ages, sex, hobbies, and CERTAINLY NOT suggestive or sexy names. Predators are more likely to pursue a child withrepparttar 111557 screen name "sexyteen5" than "happygirl5"

5. Use technology to help you protect your child. Monitoring software gives yourepparttar 111558 ability to review your child's Internet usage. Even if you don't look at each and every email or instant message they send, you'll have a good idea if they are making smart choices online.

The Internet can open many doors and provide useful information for children. An aware and informed parent can help keep children safe.

Joshua Finer, Internet Safety expert and CEO of Software4Parents.com. For free information on choosing the right Internet safety product for your family, email choosing@software4parents.com or visit www.software4parents.com/choosing.html

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