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link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="YOUR SITE TITLE RSS Feed" href="URL TO RSS FILE" rel="nofollow"/
(note: add this < in front of "link rel" and this > to
end after
forward slash /)
Step #4. Some idea's if you have your own newsletter.
If you have your own newsletter like I do, here's a couple ways to get your visitors to visit your RSS feed webpage.
Add a link on your "Thank You" page that leads to your RSS feed webpage. Whether its a Text or Graphic link.
The key here is to get your RSS feed link in front of your readers as much as possible to get them to add your RSS feed to there readers.
The next one is, add a link inside your "Welcome" email that's sent out to your New newsletter subscriber after they've subscribed.
This again, will give you another chance of getting them to add your RSS feed to there readers.
Step #5. Put together a "Signature File".
Here's another couple great ways to get your RSS feed webpage more exposure every time you send out an email or post to any online forums is by simply putting together a "Signature File".
Now, every time you sent out an email to your list and/or business contact you can attached your "Signature File" at
end of every email you send.
The same goes for online forums, every time you make a post or answer someone else's, your "Signature File" will be automatically attached.
Your "Signature File" doesn't have to be a huge, a few enticing lines will do fine with your RSS feed URL.
Step #6. Submit your RSS feed to RSS Directories and SE's.
Another great way to give your RSS feed more exposure is by submitting it or them to RSS Directories and Search Engines.
I've listed a few resources for you below to get you started with.
- Feed Shark
- Ping-O-Matic
- RSS Top 55
Step #7. Write an article, if you write articles.
This is a great way to get your RSS feed webpage in front of thousands of targeted readers absolutely FREE!
Simply write an article on a HOT topic within your niche, and at
end of your article add an enticing, attention grabbing "Resource Box" that points to your RSS feed webpage URL.
Step #8. Set-Up a PPC(Pay-Per-Click) campaign.
last step to getting your RSS feed webpage Maximum exposure is to set-up a PPC campaign.
By doing this you will be able to send HIGHLY targeted traffic to your RSS feed webpage that are hungry for
information you have to offer.
The only downside to doing
PPC tactic is that it will cost you.
And, this tactic solely depends on whether or not you chose to set-up an RSS feed webpage of your own.
Now, I'm sure there are many others ways out there that could draw in more visitors to your RSS feed, but, these ones I just outlined in this article are
Best ones in my mind and are
ones I use.
Well, this concludes the, "8 TOP Ways To Promote Your RSS/XML Feed For MAXIMUM Exposure", so,
only thing I have left to say to you is... Get Started!
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