7 Years At The Keyboard

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Here you go: Spend less than you make.

That's right! Simple math creates millionaires onrepparttar Internet!

Regardless ofrepparttar 118653 market, size of your enterprise, orrepparttar 118654 nature ofrepparttar 118655 product or service you sell,repparttar 118656 people who make money online spend less than they make in revenue.

The companies that make money arerepparttar 118657 ones who let someone with basic math skills runrepparttar 118658 advertising department!

** People don't buy refrigerators online! **

That's right, most people don't buy refrigerators online, but to look atrepparttar 118659 way some companies operate, you'd swear they did.

Here's how people userepparttar 118660 Web to buy a refrigerator (or any other major purchase): they go online, research different models and prices, look for a local store, go torepparttar 118661 store, and buy one.

Companies that userepparttar 118662 web to make money (instead of wasting it byrepparttar 118663 bucket-load) understandrepparttar 118664 difference between closingrepparttar 118665 sale online and providing information that leads to makingrepparttar 118666 sale at a physical location.

** The quick andrepparttar 118667 dead! **

People who buy online have little or no patience.

They go online to get information NOW, or to place an order NOW, or to get their questions answered NOW!

The online world is a "right NOW" world, where wait times get measured in seconds and people get mighty testy if their needs don't get met immediately.

Speed, not size, determinesrepparttar 118668 victor in e-commerce becauserepparttar 118669 businesses that meet people's immediate expectations as quickly as possible (if not faster) ultimately win.

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... http://www.turnwordsintotraffic.com

BanPro NET announces new Site Licenses for w3 I.D.E.

Written by Bannon Productions

Continued from page 1

BanPro NET first announced their "free upgrades forever" policy withrepparttar public release ofrepparttar 118652 educational title "Fun 21 Trivia" in 2001, claiming that they felt users who registered their software were supportingrepparttar 118653 development of future versions and titles, so deserved to be rewarded for their support rather than exploited by discontinued support for previous versions of titles and costly upgrade fees.

While this approach may not be traditional it certainly seems to work for BanPro NET as they're still around and delivering useful titles three years later.


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